After hatching from eggshells along Odisha’s Rushikulyabeach in the Ganjam district, millions of newborn Olive Ridley Turtles crept towards the Bay of Bengal.
Olive Ridley Turtles
Scientific name
Lepidochelys olivacea
Warm and tropical waters
Found in
Pacific and Indian Oceans
Nesting sites
Rushikulya rookery in Odisha
Largest mass nesting site
Coast of Odisha in India
Conservation status
Vulnerable in IUCN Red List
Listed in
Schedule 1 in Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
Special feature: Mass nesting
Notable behavior
Nesting habits
Synchronized mass nesting and return to the same beach where they hatched
Nest structure
Conical nests about one and a half feet deep, dug with hind flippers
Incubation period
45 to 60 days, influenced by temperature of the sand and atmosphere