
The Importance of Humane Policing in India

The latest case of a human rights violation against an IPS officer in Ambasamudram emphasises the importance of humane policing in India. The history of police brutality around the world, including in the United States, demonstrates the need for reform in the policing system. The pressure to deliver results, combined with corruption and a lack of ethics training, adds to police excesses that must be reined in.

Policing Excesses in the U.S.

  • The past of policing in many countries is dotted with episodes of excess, and the United States is one such country with far too many instances of police torture.
  • Examples of police brutality include the Rodney King incident in Los Angeles in 1991 and the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis in 2020.

Factors Influencing Police Excess in India

  • Corruption among governmental officials: Corruption is widespread in India, and it is a significant contributor to police excesses. Bribery and corruption make it easier for criminals to avoid prosecution and for police officials to extract money and other benefits through violence and coercion.
  • The strain to deliver results: Officers of the law are frequently under enormous pressure to generate results and demonstrate that they are making progress in solving cases. This strain can lead to an overzealous approach to policing, with officers resorting to torture and other illegal methods to obtain information and swiftly solve cases.
  • Inadequate ethics training: In India, police officers are not provided adequate ethics and human rights training. Because officers do not comprehend the consequences of their actions, they are more likely to resort to violence and abuse of authority.
  • In some instances, politicians and other powerful people may interfere with police investigations or use their sway to protect criminals. This interference has the potential to undermine the rule of law and make it more difficult for police officers to perform their duties efficiently and without fear or favour.
  • Police officers in India frequently work long hours in difficult and dangerous circumstances. This can contribute to stress and fatigue, which can lead to an increase in police excesses.
  • Lack of accountability: When police officers perpetrate misconduct, there is frequently little accountability. Officers found guilty of human rights abuses are frequently simply transferred to another location rather than punished or dismissed from the force. This lack of accountability conveys a message to other officers that abuse of power and violence is acceptable.

The Role of Technology and Ethics in enforcement

  • Effective enforcement requires both technology and ethics: While technology can aid in the resolution of crimes and the efficiency of policing, ethics and a commitment to human rights are required to ensure that police officers follow the law and honour the rights of all citizens.
  • Technology alone is insufficient: Technology has greatly improved policing in India, with many officers now educated in the use of modern tools and methods to solve crimes. However, technology alone is insufficient, and principles must be prioritised in policing.
  • Ethics training must be prioritised at all levels of the police force: Many Indian police officers lack adequate training in ethics and human rights, making it easier for them to turn to violence and abuse of power. Training in principles must be prioritised at all levels of the police force, from the top brass to the front lines.
  • Police chiefs perform critical roles: Police leaders, such as DGPs and IGPs, play an important part in instilling in young recruits the importance of following the law and behaving civilly.

What is mean by humane policing?

  • Humane policing is a type of law enforcement that puts a greater emphasis on protecting people’s human rights and dignity.
  • Humane policing recognises that police officers are given great power and authority, and that they have a responsibility to use that power with respect, kindness, and professionalism.
  • It prioritises the development of trust and good relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve.
  • Policing with compassion It aims to avoid the use of excessive force, unnecessary aggression, or intimidation in law enforcement operations.
  • It acknowledges the value of accountability and openness in law enforcement.
  • It also emphasises the significance of police officer training and instruction in areas such as cultural competence, mental health awareness, and conflict resolution.

@the end

It is both sad and true that many in the political establishment believe that without using physical force on misbehaving citizens, policing cannot progress and law and order cannot be preserved. This view must be altered. India requires people policing. Furthermore, authorities must take swift action against violators in order to send a clear message that no illegal physical treatment of criminal suspects will be allowed.

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