- For the first time ever, the Central government has announced curriculum that should be taught to youngsters from three to six years old.
Objective of Aadharshila
- The early childhood education curriculum is meant to address core reading and numeracy deficiencies that may occur in later school years.
Who launched?
- The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) has announced the National Curriculum for Early Childhood Care and Education 2024, termed ‘Aadharshila,’ which follows the National Education Policy 2020 and the National Curriculum Framework.
- Aadharshila (English as foundation stone) is a detailed 48-week curriculum designed for children aged three to six who attend anganwadis.
Significance Aadharshila’s Curriculum
- Structure of Curriculum: The curriculum is organised weekly and covers 48 weeks of learning over a three-year period. It is intended to serve children aged three to six attending anganwadis.
- The curriculum begins with four weeks of initiation, which focuses on academic activities to help children transfer from their homes to the anganwadi centre. These activities are engaging, enjoyable, and allow for free play.
- The following 36 weeks are dedicated to discovery, free play, conversation, creativity, and appreciation. During this era, children engage in activities such as storytelling, singing rhymes, painting and craft, and other enjoyable hobbies. Conflict resolution, responsibility, and cooperation are common storytelling themes.
- Learning Objectives: Children learn about colours, shapes, numbers, body parts, family and friends, listening and reacting to directions, basic counting, and seasonal, festival, and culinary themes.
- Anganwadi services in India are part of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) plan, which began on October 2, 1975.
- The primary goal of the Anganwadi programme is to improve the nutritional and health status of children aged 0 to 6, lay the groundwork for proper psychological, physical, and social development, and reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition, and school dropout.
The launching of ‘Aadharshila’ represents a big step forward in early childhood education, with the goal of bridging basic gaps. To improve its effectiveness, continual monitoring, teacher training, and community involvement are needed..
Source: https://www.thehindu.com/education/centre-releases-curriculum-framework-for-three-to-six-year-olds/article68084489.ece#:~:text=SUBSCRIBE%20%26%20SAVE-,Aadharshila%20(translated%20as%20foundation%20stone)%20is%20a%20detailed%2048%2D,of%20pregnant%20mothers%20and%20children.