Environment & Biodiversity

Lantana Camara

Elephant sculptures fashioned from Lantana camara were popular during an exhibition in Bengaluru.

  • Elephant sculptures fashioned from Lantana camara were popular during an exhibition in Bengaluru.

Lantana Camara Facts

  • Lantana camara, sometimes known as lantana, is a plant native to the American tropics that belongs to the verbena family (Verbenaceae).
  • Lantana was brought to India as an attractive plant during the British colonial period in the early nineteenth century. Its brightly coloured blossoms make it popular in gardens.
  • This shrub may grow across forest floors, climb over trees like a creeper, and easily combine with local plants.
  • Lantana is a highly adaptable plant that thrives in a variety of habitats.

Effects on the Local Ecosystem

  • The invasive nature of Lantana poses a major danger to native flora and species. It competes for resources with native plants, resulting in a loss in natural biodiversity.
  • It grows dense thickets that change the structure of habitats by blocking animal migration and altering microhabitat elements like light availability and soil composition.
  • It may infest agricultural land, limiting crop output, and it can also infest pastures, affecting livestock grazing.
  • It is harmful to cattle and, if consumed, can cause health problems. This increases the financial burden on farmers who must guarantee their livestock do not graze on lantana-infested soil.
  • Because it creates dense thickets that may quickly catch and spread fire, the plant increases the risk of fire in the habitats it invades.
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