Environment & Biodiversity

‘In Our LiFEtime’—Campaign

At a side event of the COP 27 in Egypt, the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change introduced the “In Our LIFEtime” campaign.

The Campaign

  • The National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), a division of the Ministry of the Environment, Forests, and Climate Change, and the United Nations Development Program, launched the initiative (UNDP)
  • Goal: Encouraging young people between the ages of 18 and 23 to spread the word about sustainable living.
  • Key Highlights: The initiative calls for suggestions from young people around the world who are passionate about leading ecologically conscious lives.
  • It motivates young people to report climate actions that, to the best of their abilities, support environmentally friendly lifestyles. These techniques ought to be scalable and sustainable, making them ideal for dissemination across the globe as best practises.
  • Importance: The initiative is a fantastic way to inspire young people to promote sustainable lifestyle choices and develop into leaders who set the standard for biodiversity preservation and natural resource management.

Concept of LIFE

  • LIFE is short for LIFE (Lifestyle for Environment).
  • On November 1, 2021, at COP26 in Glasgow, the Prime Minister announced the idea of LiFE.
  • It tries to encourage people and communities to live in harmony with nature and not cause harm to it. People who live in accordance with this philosophy are known as Pro Planet People.
  • On June 5, 2022, World Environment Day, India expanded on the LiFE vision by launching the LiFE Global Movement, which invited academics, researchers, and start-ups from around the world to consider concrete, scientific ways that collective action’s full potential could be harnessed to address the environmental crisis. 

Mission LIFE

  • Mission LiFE aims to turn the LiFE vision into quantifiable impact.
  • Goal: From 2022 to 2028, it is intended to mobilise at least one billion Indians and other global citizens to take both individual and group action in support of environmental protection and conservation.
  • By 2028, India hopes to have at least 80% of its villages and urban local governments adopt environmentally friendly practices.
  • Duration: The mission is a 5-year programme.


  • Encouraging people to adopt basic but effective eco-friendly practises in their daily lives (demand),
  • Enabling markets and businesses to react quickly to shifting supply and demand
  • Influence industrial and governmental policies to promote sustainable production and consumption (policy).

Mission to be carried out by: The Union Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change will initially incubate, curate, and pilot the mission.


The P3 model’s spirit, embodied by Mission LiFE, i.e. Pro Planet People is founded on the fundamental tenets of ‘Living of the Planet, for the Planet, and by the Planet’.

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