- A international group recently published a ground-breaking approach for detecting all known strains of the amphibian chytrid fungus in the journal Transboundary and Emerging Diseases.
- This technology will improve our ability to detect and research the condition, as well as work towards the development of a broadly available cure.
Chytridiomycosis is a lethal frog illness.
- Chytridiomycosis, often known as chytrid, is a fungal disease that has wiped out frog populations all over the world for the past 40 years.
- The disease has caused significant decreases in over 500 frog species and 90 extinctions, making it the most lethal animal sickness yet discovered.
How does it spread?
- Chytrid infects frogs by multiplying in their skin and wreaking havoc on their capacity to regulate water and salt levels.
- The mortality rate is significant, and the disease has afflicted a large number of species, causing catastrophic decreases and extinctions.
- The disease started in Asia and spread over the world via amphibian trade and travel.
Diagnostic limitations
- Swabs and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) tests, comparable to COVID-19 testing, were formerly employed to identify chytrid in frogs.
- The existing qPCR technique was unable to detect Asian chytrid strains, limiting research efforts.
New and Improved qPCR Test
- Researchers from India, Australia, and Panama have developed a novel qPCR test that can detect chytrid strains from Asia.
- The test is also more sensitive, allowing it to identify low levels of infection and broadening the spectrum of species that can be examined.
- A nearly related species of chytrid that infects salamanders can also be detected with the test.
Understanding Frog Natural Immunity
- Some amphibian species, even those with no evolutionary history with chytrid, do not get sick when infected, demonstrating inherent immunological resilience.
- Frog immunity is intricate, involving anti-microbial compounds, symbiotic bacteria, white blood cells, antibodies, and other factors.
- Research in Asia, where chytrid decreases have not been recorded, could provide insights into how resistance emerges and aid in the discovery of a cure for impacted areas.
Source: https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/the-worlds-worst-animal-disease-is-killing-frogs-worldwide-a-testing-breakthrough-could-help-save-them/article66907881.ece