Governance Science & Tech

SWATI (Science for Women—A Technology and Innovation) Portal

  • The Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India has recently created the “Science for Women-A Technology & Innovation (SWATI)” portal.


  • SWATI Portal is an online platform that strives to highlight the achievements of Indian women and girls in STEMM fields.
  • SWATI operates as a single online site for Indian women and girls in STEMM sectors.
  • Database: It hosts a database that can help policymakers solve gender gaps in STEMM.
  • SWATI provides an interactive database, a pioneering endeavour in India, which is produced, hosted, and maintained by the National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR) in New Delhi.
  • Faculty: Faculty members from Indian universities, autonomous organisations, and important ministries, including the Ministry of Science & Technology, CSIR, DBT, DST, MHRD, UGC, GATI, and KIRAN.


  • Scaling Efforts: The portal aims to significantly increase efforts to involve every Indian woman in science (WiS), encompassing all career stages and subjects in both academia and industry.
  • SWATI intends to establish an active search engine and searchable database to facilitate trustworthy and statistically significant long-term research on equality, diversity, and inclusion concerns in India.
Science & Tech

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) confirms a black hole shadow

  • Scientists have released fresh details on a massive black hole 53 million light-years distant, which was first observed by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) in 2017.
  • This momentous achievement offered the first visual confirmation of the existence of black holes, so proving a crucial prediction of Einstein’s general relativity theory.

Key Findings of EHT

  • The new data, obtained with improved telescope coverage and resolution, supported the prior discovery of the black hole’s’shadow’.
  • The results revealed the presence of an asymmetric ring structure, which is consistent with substantial gravitational lensing effects.
  • Observations revealed a steady ring building process throughout time, with slight fluctuations indicating differences in the magnetic field structure.

About Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)

AboutA big telescope array made up of a global network of radio telescopes.Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) is used.Resolution: 25 micro-arc-seconds.
CollaborationInternational collaboration including more than 300 participants and 60 institutions from 20 countries and areas
Launch YearInitiated in 2009
First Image PublishedApril 10, 2019 (First image of a black hole, M87*)
ObjectiveObserving objects the size of a supermassive black hole’s event horizon.
Key TargetsBlack holes including M87* and Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*)
Recent DevelopmentsFirst image of black hole (March 2021), first image of Sgr A* (May 12, 2022)
Reconstructive AlgorithmsIncludes the CLEAN algorithm and the regularised maximum likelihood (RML) algorithm
Scientific ImplicationsVerification of general relativity, measurement of black hole mass and diameter, research into accretion processes
Science & Tech Security Issues

Safeguarding Children Online: Addressing Technical Risks and Solutions

  • Recent Congressional hearings, including Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s public apology, have shone light on the disturbing surge in online child exploitation, raising global worries about children’s safety on social media platforms.
  • Parents and campaigners around the world are putting pressure on tech firms to boost accountability and provide safer online environments for children, stressing issues that go beyond privacy concerns and include larger security dangers.

Risks for Children’s Online Safety

  • UNICEF Report findings: A UNICEF report titled ‘The Metaverse, Extended Reality, and Children’ highlights substantial concerns connected with virtual settings, such as exposure to explicit content, cyberbullying, and data privacy violations, which might have serious consequences for children’s well-being.
  • Emerging dangers: Virtual environments and games, while not entirely immersive, provide risks such as exposure to inappropriate content and exploitation, raising concerns about the ethical implications of children’s digital activities.

Children’s Issues Online

  • Children may encounter inappropriate content such as violence, pornography, or hate speech.
  • Online Predators and Grooming: Children are at danger of encountering online predators who use social media and gaming platforms to develop relationships and groom them for exploitation.
  • Cyberbullying: Children can be victims of cyberbullying, which involves using digital technology to harass, threaten, or humiliate others.
  • Privacy Concerns: Because of a lack of understanding of privacy settings, children may unwittingly share personal information online.
  • Excessive screen time and continuous use of digital devices can lead to addictive behaviours in children, affecting their mental and physical health, academic performance, and social connections.

Challenges Posed by Generative AI

  • Generative AI presents both opportunities for creativity and learning, as well as hazards such as the spread of misinformation and bad content that may negatively impact children’s cognitive development.
  • Vulnerability to disinformation: Children with developing cognitive abilities are especially vulnerable to disinformation spread by AI-generated content, raising worries about the impact on their views and behaviours.

Measures in India: The DPDP Bill, 2023

  • The DPDP Bill defines minors as people under the age of 18. This concept recognises that children are especially vulnerable and deserve enhanced protection for their personal information.
  • Data Processing Obligations: The bill imposes three particular conditions on data processing businesses that handle children’s data:
    • Getting verifiable parental consent: As previously stated, businesses must obtain proper authorization from a parent or guardian before processing a child’s data.
    • Not harming children: Data processing activities should not endanger or exploit minors in any way.
    • Not tracking or aiming ads at children: Entities are not permitted to track children’s online activity for targeted advertising purposes.
    • Exemptions: The measure authorises the government to exclude certain companies from parental consent requirements, as well as tracking and targeting adverts for particular objectives. However, any exemptions must be in the best interests of the kid.

Future Prospects

  • To ensure the well-being and privacy of children, tech businesses should prioritize’safety by design,’ including principles from the Convention on the Rights of the Child into their platforms.
  • legislative Intervention: Governments must regularly examine and update legislative frameworks to handle developing difficulties in child safety online, such as countering harmful content and behaviour.
  • Community Engagement: Maintaining current policies and practices that safeguard children offline should be extended to the digital arena, encouraging stakeholders to work together to create a safer online environment for children.
Science & Tech

Elon Musk’s Neuralink presents a minefield of scientific and ethical challenges

Neuralink, established by tech billionaire Elon Musk, reached a key milestone by successfully implanting their technology, Telepathy, in a human body, with the goal of restoring autonomy to quadriplegics through thought control of digital gadgets. Despite the excitement, substantial ethical and technical obstacles must be resolved, particularly those related to transparency, data ownership, and long-term safety.

Key highlights:

  • Elon Musk launched Neuralink with the ambitious goals of restoring functioning to people with neurological impairments and improving human cognition.
  • The lack of transparency and data sharing raises questions about the Neuralink device’s safety and efficacy.
  • Ethical implications for data ownership and the potential misuse of recorded intents.
  • The exclusion of those with specific medical issues from the research raises concerns about safety and long-term implications.
  • The value of replicability, transparency, and oversight in scientific research and development.

Key challenges 

  • Include a lack of transparency and data exchange.
  • Ethical problems about data ownership and privacy.
  • Ensures the Neuralink device’s long-term safety and efficacy.
  • Addressing potential health hazards related to brain implantation and electrode insertion.
  • Developing replicability and reliability in scientific research.

Main Terms:

  • Elon Musk established Neuralink, a tech business that develops implanted brain-computer interface devices.
  • Telepathy is Neuralink’s patented chip for recording and transferring neural signals.
  • Quadriplegia: Paralysis or loss of function in all four limbs.
  • ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis): A progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.
  • FDA (Food and Drug Administration): A federal agency responsible for regulating and overseeing the safety and efficacy of medical devices and drugs.

Key phrase: 

  • “Restore autonomy for those with unmet medical needs.”
  • “Opaque development and pre-clinical testing results.”
  • “Ethical breaches and lack of transparency.”
  • “Concerns about data ownership and privacy.”
  • “Long-term safety and efficacy.”

Excerpts from the article: 

  • “Neuralink’s ambition and vision extend beyond clinical use to enhance human cognition and possibilities.”
  • “Secrecy does not instill confidence, and trust is something scientists have learned not to bestow on corporate entities too generously.”

Important Conclusions: 

  • “The lack of transparency and data sharing raises concerns about the safety and efficacy of the Neuralink device.”
  • “Ethical considerations around data ownership and potential misuse of recorded intentions are paramount.”
  • “The exclusion of certain individuals from the trial raises questions about safety and long-term effects.”

Examples & References:

  • Mention of Neuralink’s founder, Elon Musk.
  • The Neuralink device’s features include the Telepathy chip.
  • References to accounts of monkeys utilising the Neuralink device and suffering negative consequences.

Facts and data:

  • The FDA has approved the Neuralink device.
  • Discuss the trial’s 18-month primary observation period.
  • The trial was not registered on clinical trial repositories such as
Science & Tech

Interplanetary Dust Damage NASA’s Juno mission  

  • Juno, a NASA spacecraft launched in 2011, is on a mission to discover the mysteries of Jupiter and its moons.
  • Juno was en way to Jupiter when it hit fast-moving dust particles, causing significant damage to its solar panels.

About NASA’s Juno Mission

Launch Year2011
Mission ObjectiveStudy Jupiter, the solar system’s largest planet, to learn about Earth’s creation and evolution.
Focus AreasInvestigate Jupiter’s atmospheric composition and isotope ratios.Examine Jupiter’s magnetic field and how it interacts with the atmosphere, resulting in aurora generation.Discover Jupiter’s structure, atmosphere, and interior to better comprehend early solar system circumstances.
Earth InsightsThe Juno mission’s advanced sensors include the Microwave Radiometer, which detects air temperature and water content.Scientists can determine the similarities and differences in planetary origins by comparing Jupiter’s composition to that of Earth.Understanding Jupiter’s magnetic field and auroras helps us learn about Earth’s magnetic field and auroras.Jupiter’s structure offers insights into early solar system conditions and Earth’s evolutionary processes.

Dust in interplanetary space

  • Calculating Dust Flux: Scientists used Juno data to estimate the flux of dust particles encountered between 1 and 5 Astronomical Units (AU), providing insight into the density and distribution of interplanetary dust.
  • Exploring Dust Sources: Analysis revealed that Mars’ moons, Deimos and Phobos, could be sources of interplanetary dust, providing tantalising hints to the mysterious origins of these cosmic particles.

How do the Martian Moons, Deimos and Phobos make this dust?

  • Micrometeorite Impacts: Micrometeorites, tiny but powerful dust particles, attack Mars’ moons, causing ephemeral clouds of dust upon impact due to the lack of atmospheres.
  • Deimos and Phobos’ low gravity allow dust particles to escape into space, contributing to the development of a dusty ring around Mars.

Insights From Observations

  • Gravitational Dynamics: These models included gravitational influences, lunar shapes, and dust particle velocities, providing a thorough knowledge of dust dynamics in the Martian system.
  • Future trips to Deimos and Phobos have the potential to validate current findings and shed new light on the dusty expanses of these intriguing moons.
Science & Tech

Nano DAP Revolutionises Fertilisers in Indian Agriculture

  • The interim budget presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman calls for the growth of Nano DAP applications in agriculture.

Understanding Nano DAP

  • DAP: DAP, or di-ammonium phosphate, is a phosphorus-rich fertiliser commonly used in India to promote plant root development.
  • Nano DAPL: Introduced by the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative (IFFCO), it is a liquid form of DAP with particle sizes fewer than 100 nanometers, which improves its efficiency.

Advantages of Nano DAP

  • Nano DAP’s small particle size improves seed vigour, chlorophyll levels, photosynthetic efficiency, crop quality, and yields.
  • Affordability: Nano DAP is less expensive than normal DAP, with a 500 ml bottle comparable to a 50 kg bag of DAP costing only Rs 600.
  • Convenience: The liquid form is easier to transport, store, and apply, making it ideal for farmers.
  • Reduced Imports: Using domestically manufactured Nano DAP from Kalol, Gujarat, decreases the need to import fertilisers, increasing self-sufficiency and benefitting Indian agriculture.

Government’s Perspective

  • The government benefits from Nano DAP’s cost-effectiveness, which reduces the need for fertiliser subsidies and provides fiscal relief.
  • Self-reliance: Producing Nano DAP domestically corresponds with the goal of fertiliser self-sufficiency, which reduces reliance on imports.
  • Agricultural Advancement: Increased Nano DAP usage promotes agricultural growth, increases food grain yield, and benefits farmers.
Science & Tech

Integrating Brain Tissue and Electronics in Computing

  • Researchers have successfully fused brain-like tissue with electronics to create a ‘organoid neural network.’
  • This breakthrough represents a big step forward in neuromorphic computing by directly embedding brain tissue into computer systems.

Brain Tissues in Computers

  • Scientists from Indiana University, the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, and the University of Florida collaborated to achieve a breakthrough in brain tissue technology for computers.
  • Publication: The study, published on December 11, represents the convergence of tissue engineering, electrophysiology, and neural computation, broadening the scope of scientific and engineering disciplines.

Context of artificial intelligence (AI)

  • AI’s foundation: AI is built on artificial neural networks, which are silicon-based representations of the human brain that can analyse large datasets.
  • Memory and Processing Separation: Traditional AI hardware divides memory and processing units, resulting in inefficiencies when transmitting data between them.

Introducing Biological Neural Networks.

  • Biocomputing Emergence: Scientists are investigating biological neural networks made up of live brain cells as an alternative. These networks can handle both memory and data processing.
  • Energy Efficient: Brain cells store memory and process data without physically separating them.

Organoid Neural Network

  • Brain organoids, three-dimensional collections of brain cells, were used to form a ‘organoid neural network.’
  • Human pluripotent stem cells were differentiated into a variety of brain cells, including neuron progenitor cells, early-stage neurons, mature neurons, and astrocytes.
  • The network was integrated into a reservoir computer, which included input, reservoir, and output layers.

Brainoware’s Capabilities

  • Brainoware can anticipate complex mathematical functions, like the Henon map.
  • Voice Recognition: The system correctly identified Japanese vowels voiced by participants with a 78% accuracy rate.
  • Efficiency: Brainoware demonstrated equivalent accuracy to artificial neural networks while requiring minimal training.

Promising insights and limitations

  • Foundational insights: The work sheds light on learning mechanisms, brain development, and cognitive aspects of neurodegenerative illnesses.
  • Challenges: Brainware requires technical competence and infrastructure. Organoids have diverse cell populations and must be optimised for homogeneity.
  • Ethical considerations: The merging of organoids and AI poses ethical problems concerning consciousness and dignity.

Future studies 

  • It could focus on enhancing input encoding methods and ensuring homogeneity in organoids for longer tests.
  • Complex Computing Problems: Researchers want to tackle more difficult computing tasks.
  • Ethical Discourse: The argument over organoid awareness and dignity will continue to progress.
Science & Tech

The Science Ministry announced the inaugural grantees of the VAIBHAV Fellowship

  • In a crucial attempt to strengthen India’s scientific research ecosystem, the Department of Science and Technology (DST) has announced the inaugural class of ‘Vaibhav’ fellows.

About the Vaibhav Fellowship Scheme

  • The Vaibhav Fellowship, launched in June 2023, aims to encourage Indian-origin scientists living overseas for short-term cooperation with Indian universities.
  • These collaborations seek to promote research excellence and innovation by using the knowledge of Indian scientists from throughout the world.

Benefits for Vaibhav Fellows

  • Vaibhav Fellows can benefit from collaboration by spending a month or two annually in India for up to three years, working with host Indian universities.
  • Financial support for Vaibhav fellows includes a monthly stipend of ₹4 lakh and accomodation in India.
  • Renowned host institutions include the IISc, IIT, and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, among others.
  • Research Grant: Host universities get a research grant to support joint initiatives and technological start-ups established by fellows.
  • Long-term Research Connections: Fellows are encouraged to establish long-term research relationships with host institutions, engage with professors, and contribute new ideas to the field, benefiting Indian universities and research settings.

Vaibhav and Vajra have distinct objectives

  • The Vaibhav Fellowship Scheme primarily targets the Indian diaspora for cooperation, with an emphasis on translational achievements in crucial fields of scientific study.
  • Vajra Scheme: Open to all foreign scientists, it encourages short-term visits by foreign professors to Indian institutions, providing a greater platform for international collaboration.
Science & Tech

NASA’s innovative Mars helicopter

  • NASA’s Mars helicopter, Ingenuity, has reconnected with Earth following a brief communication loss during its 72nd flight on the Red Planet.
  • This astonishing solar-powered robotic helicopter has achieved unprecedented achievements in interplanetary aviation, including powered, controlled flight on Mars.

About Ingenuity 

  • Ingenuity made its first landing on Mars on February 18, 2021, alongside the Perseverance Rover. On April 19 of that year, it made the first powered extraterrestrial flight in human history.
  • Launch and Deployment: On July 30, 2020, NASA launched a spacecraft carrying the Perseverance rover with Ingenuity aboard. On April 4, 2021, the helicopter was deployed on the Martian surface after finding an appropriate “airfield” position.
  • Experimental Purpose: Ingenuity’s primary purpose was to test powered, controlled flight on another celestial body.
  • history Flight: During its first flight, Ingenuity hovered, covered the same area, and remained airborne for an impressive 39.1 seconds, setting a history record.

Challenges and Impressive Record

  • Vast Distances: Despite the comparatively short travel time, Mars’ distance from Earth of nearly 225 million kilometres causes signal delays of 5 to 20 minutes.
  • Ingenuity must withstand Mars’ harsh conditions, which include low atmospheric density, “continent-sized” dust storms, and other threats.

The Significance of Mars Flight

  • Historical Milestone: On April 19, 2021, Ingenuity’s first flight celebrated two great milestones. First and foremost, it was the first aeroplane to fly on another planet. Second, it worked in Mars’ thin atmosphere, which was unsuitable for conventional flight.
  • Challenges of Martian Flight: Ingenuity’s flight on Mars proved difficult due to the planet’s reduced gravity, one-third that of Earth, and its relatively thin atmosphere, with only 1% of Earth’s surface pressure.
  • Autonomous Operation: Ingenuity is an autonomous aircraft piloted by onboard guidance, navigation, and control systems that use algorithms developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Perseverance serves as a vital link between the helicopter and Earth.

Evolving Mission Role

  • Ingenuity’s mission grew beyond limited flights to include scouting and exploration. It helped Perseverance navigate Martian terrain efficiently, avoiding unexceptional rocks and increasing mission efficiency.
  • Impressive flying Record: Prior to the current contact breakdown, Ingenuity conducted 72 flights, amassing more than 128 minutes of flying time and travelling a total distance of 17.7 kilometres, according to the mission’s flight log.
Science & Tech

INSAT 3D’s Contribution to Monitoring Foggy Conditions in North India

  • As significant sections of North India, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Delhi, and Punjab, experience severe fog, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued alerts and advisories to keep inhabitants aware of the current circumstances.
  • This essay aims to clarify the science underlying these alerts and the function of the INSAT 3D satellite in delivering critical data for fog monitoring.

Fog Situation in North India

  • Persistent fog: Since December 2023, various portions of North India have been blanketed in dense fog.
  • IMD Warnings: On January 16, the IMD issued “very dense fog” warnings in numerous states, including Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh, with visibility predicted to fall below 50 metres at night and in the morning.

Decoding satellite images.

  • Perspectives from INSAT 3D: The INSAT 3D satellite monitors foggy conditions using photographs.
  • Solar Reflectance and Brightness Temperature: These photos’ colours are influenced by two factors: solar reflectance and brightness temperature.
  • Solar Reflectance: The ratio of solar energy reflected by a surface to the amount of energy received.
  • Brightness Temperature: Relates an object’s temperature to the brightness of its surface as measured at various wavelengths.

Day’s Microphysics Data

  • Solar Reflectance at Three Wavelengths: INSAT 3D’s ‘day microphysics’ component examines solar reflectance across three wavelengths: 0.5 µm (visible radiation), 1.6 µm (shortwave infrared radiation), and 10.8 µm (thermal infrared radiation).
  • Colour Determination: The intensity of signals at these wavelengths determines the RGB (red-green-blue) colours in the picture.
  • These photos are useful for analysing cloud kinds, thunderstorm phases, snow identification, and fire detection.

Night Microphysics Data

  • INSAT 3D’s ‘night microphysics’ component determines two colours based on the difference between two thermal infrared signals.
  • Colour Variables: The red colour corresponds to the difference between 12 µm and 10 µm signals, green to 10.8 µm and 3.9 µm signals, and blue to the intensity of the 10.8 µm signal.
  • Identifying features: Night microphysics data helps to determine cloud kinds and their temperature differences.

Combining Day and Night Data.

  • Comprehensive Insights: Meteorologists use day and night microphysics data to examine moisture droplets, temperature fluctuations, and the development, evolution, and depletion of meteorological phenomena like hurricanes.
  • Advanced Warning Systems: Proposed uses include forecasting thunderstorms one to three hours in advance.

Radiometers & Sounders

  • INSAT 3D and 3DR employ radiometers to monitor spectral properties and atmospheric sounders to analyse temperature, humidity, and water vapour levels.
  • Improved Technology: Compared to their predecessors, these satellites have significantly higher spatial resolution and spectrum channels, improving India’s weather monitoring capabilities.

Future with INSAT 3DS

  • Continued Advancements: The Indian Space Research Organisation intends to launch the INSAT 3DS meteorological satellite in February 2024.
  • Enhanced Capabilities: This satellite will build on the achievements of its predecessors, improving India’s weather monitoring and warning capabilities.
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