
Why is Upskilling Required for Rural Youth?

  • Despite the United Nations’ forecast that nearly half of India’s population will live in cities by 2047, many rural adolescents want to stay in their communities.
  • Life Skills Collaborative Discussion: A group discussion revealed that rural youth want to stay in their communities, emphasising the importance of focusing on those who do not want to migrate to urban areas.

Rural Income Sources and Job Changes

  • Farming is the primary source of income in rural communities, and it is frequently augmented by youngsters working on family farms.
  • Indicators of the Agrarian Crisis: The National Sample Survey Office figures suggest that 34 million farmers moved to other industries between 2004-05 and 2011-12, indicating a large transition from agriculture to non-farming jobs.

Controlling Migration Strategies

  • Vocational Training: It is critical to control migration by providing vocational training in rural areas. This training should focus on rural life skills, allowing youth to secure livelihoods within their communities.
  • Educational goals: Most rural kids’ educational goals are confined to opportunities in their village. Upskilling initiatives such as ‘Skills On Wheel’ in Delhi should be made available in rural areas.

The State of Vocational Education in Rural India Today

  • Industrial Training Schools: While these schools strive to upskill rural communities, placement possibilities are generally limited.
  • Lack of Skill Development Focus: Currently, rural education does not prioritise skill development, which is critical for the majority of youth who rely on schools for life skills.
  • Findings from the LSC Voices 2023 Survey: According to the poll, two-thirds of youngsters aged 19-22 had never received any vocational training, with only 5% enrolling in such programmes.

Enhancing Rural Education

  • Tailored Education: Technical and life skills should be integrated into rural education and made available through formal education.
  • International examples include Mexico’s tele-schools and Bhutan’s well-being-infused curriculum. Tele-schools provide value-based education, which improves attitudes and aspirations and thereby benefits the local economy.
  • Indian Initiatives: Organisations such as the NIIT Foundation and Pratham Institute offer rural upskilling possibilities. There are hybrid life skilling programmes available that focus on both industry-specific skills and life skills.
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