Science & Tech

What role does satellite data play in monitoring farm fires in Northern India?

Farm fires, particularly those caused by paddy crop waste, contribute to air pollution in northern India. Satellite data is used to monitor and treat this issue.

Farm fires, particularly those caused by paddy crop waste, contribute to air pollution in northern India. Satellite data is used to monitor and treat this issue.

CREAMS Laboratory: Farm Fire Monitoring

  • The Consortium for Research on Agro-ecosystem Monitoring and Modelling from Space (CREAMS) Laboratory of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) is in charge of gathering and distributing daily bulletins on paddy residue fires.
  • Coverage: The information includes Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Delhi.
  • The following information is provided: The bulletin provides district-specific fire incidence counts, prior year comparison data, location, satellite information, time, and fire intensity.

Satellite Data Collection Satellites: 

  • Three NASA satellites acquire data by capturing land surface temperatures (VIIRS on Suomi NPP, MODIS on Terra and Aqua).
  • Coverage: These satellites fly over the Indian subcontinent twice a day, at different times.
  • Resolution: VIIRS has better resolution than MODIS, which has a coarser resolution.
  • Data Application: Satellite data is used to distinguish agricultural fires from other forms of flames, such as forest fires or industrial fires.

Standardisation of Monitoring Protocols: 

  • In 2021, a uniform methodology for monitoring agricultural fires using satellite data was created.
  • Data Comparison: Comparable data is available beginning in 2020.
  • Data from Punjab: The Punjab Remote Sensing Centre offers comparable data for Punjab.

Identifying Paddy Fires Reflectance Signature:

  • Paddy crop residue fires are characterised by their distinct reflectance signature.
  • Land Surface Temperature: Active fires are determined based on differences in land surface temperature from surrounding locations.
  • Fire Intensity: The quantity of residue burnt is indicated by intensity, which is represented as energy released per unit area per unit time.

Agencies Receiving Bulletins:

  •  Bulletins are distributed to central and state-level agencies such as the Commission for Air Quality Management, the Ministry of Agriculture, and state agriculture departments.
  • Action develop: Authorities utilise the data to identify hotspots and develop steps to mitigate farm fires, such as machinery availability.
  • Objectives: Using satellite data, certain governments, such as Punjab and Haryana, established objectives for lowering farm fire incidence.
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