Environment & Biodiversity


  • The United Nations Environmental Programme’s Sixth Assembly session (UNEA-6) was held at its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • It emphasised the critical importance of multilateralism in addressing the three global crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. 

About United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)

PurposeHighest-level decision-making body on environmental matters within the United Nations system.
EstablishmentEstablished in 2012 during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
FrequencyTypically convenes every two years in Nairobi, Kenya.
MembershipConsists of all 193 UN Member States and representatives from observer countries and organizations.
Decision-MakingAdopts resolutions and decisions on global environmental issues.

UNEA 6: Theme and Focus

  • Theme: Multilateral initiatives that are effective, inclusive, and sustainable in combating climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.
  • Focus: Considering the role of multilateralism in influencing global environmental policy to address the grave issues confronting our planet.

Key Outcomes

[A] Environmental Multilateralism

  • High-Level Dialogues: UNEA-6 set aside a day to examine cooperation and convergence with multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), with a focus on effective implementation at both the national and global levels.
  • MEAs are important because they address specific environmental challenges at the national, regional, and global levels, as well as provide fundamental frameworks for international environmental governance. 

[B] Energy Transition to Renewable Sources

  • Rapid Renewable Energy Adoption: The session emphasised the need to triple present renewable energy capacity by 2030 in order to foster a planet that is good for nature and humans.
  • Global Standards Development: Efforts are being made to establish globally approved standards for renewable energy, ensuring environmental sustainability and responsibly obtaining minerals.

[C] Plastic Pollution

  • Call to Action: The discussions focused on a legally enforceable treaty against plastic pollution, with the goal of introducing strong reuse provisions and harmonising definitions of reuse and circularity.
  • Current scenario: More than half of global plastic output is single-use, with significant leakage into the environment.

[D] Role of Nature-Based Solutions

  • Nature-based solutions, such as reforestation and land restoration, have the potential to mitigate climate change and restore biodiversity.
  • Financial Constraints: Despite their potential, nature-based solutions receive only a fraction of the funding needed, emphasising the need for expanded investment and novel finance models. 


  • As UNEA-6 unfolds, stakeholders throughout the world are ready to engage and create meaningful solutions to protect our planet for future generations. 

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