
The Supreme Court has formed a group to conserve the Great Indian Bustard

  • The Supreme Court has made a major step by establishing an expert group to solve the critical issue of saving the endangered Great Indian Bustard.

About the Great Indian Bustard (GIB)

  • GIBs are the largest of the four bustard species found in India, the others being MacQueen’s bustard, smaller florican, and Bengal florican.
  • It is the state bird of Rajasthan.
  • It is regarded as the flagship bird species of grassland.
  • Protective Status: 
  1. Birdlife International upgraded its classification from Endangered to Critically Endangered in 2011. 
  2. It is protected under CITES Appendix I, the IUCN status of Critically Endangered, and Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972.

Threats against GIBs

  • Overhead power transmission: Due to their poor frontal vision, they are unable to notice powerlines in time, and their weight makes in-flight manoeuvring difficult.
  • Windmills: Coincidentally, the Kutch and Thar deserts have seen the development of significant renewable energy infrastructure.
  • Noise pollution influences the GIB’s mating and courting practices.
  • Changes in the landscape: farmers cultivate land that was formerly fallow due to Kutch’s regular droughts.
  • Cotton and wheat cultivation, rather than pulses and feed, has also been identified as a cause of declining GIB numbers.

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