Science & Tech

The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered ‘Teenage’ Galaxies

The James Webb Space Telescope has revealed precise views into somewhat older galaxies, called as ‘teenagers’ in cosmic parlance, shed light on their history and distinctive traits.

  • The James Webb Space Telescope has revealed precise views into somewhat older galaxies, called as ‘teenagers’ in cosmic parlance, shed light on their history and distinctive traits.
  • This study is part of the CECILIA Survey, which is named for astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin and uses Webb to analyse the chemical of distant galaxies.

Teenage Galaxies Formation Period: 

  • The research focuses on galaxies that originated roughly 2-3 billion years after the Big Bang, which happened approximately 13.8 billion years ago.
  • Researchers used Webb to analyse light at various wavelengths from 23 such galaxies, similar to researching their ‘chemical DNA.’
  • Key Findings: These adolescent galaxies have different chemical compositions, indicating strong star creation and quick growth stages.

Characteristics of Teenage Galaxies in Comparison to Modern Galaxies: 

  • These galaxies differ significantly in appearance and behaviour from modern galaxies.
  • Developmental Mysteries: During this phase, they go through critical, but not entirely understood, processes that shape their eventual form and character.
  • High Temperatures in Star-Forming Regions: Temperatures in star-forming regions in these galaxies are approximately 24,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is substantially higher than in present-day galaxies.
  • Young Stars and Gas characteristics: The temperature fluctuation shows that the stars and gas characteristics of adolescent galaxies differ.
  • Elements Observed: These galaxies were found to be blazing with elements like as hydrogen, helium, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, argon, nickel, and silicon.

The Importance of Oxygen and Nickel

  • The Importance of Oxygen: As the third-most prevalent element in the cosmos and a fundamental component of galactic DNA, oxygen is critical for tracing the evolution of galaxies.
  • Nickel – An Unexpected Discover: The presence of nickel, which is generally not strong enough to be seen in adjacent galaxies, shows that big stars in these galaxies have special properties.
  • Undiscovered Elements: Astronomers assume that more elements exist in these galaxies but have yet to be discovered owing to technical limitations.

The Findings’ Implications

  • Chemical Immaturity and Rapid Growth: According to the study, these galaxies are in a rapid creation phase and are still chemically immature.
  • Understanding the chemical nature of these galaxies offers significant information about the history and rate of star creation.
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