
PM WANI Wi-Fi Scheme: Everything You Need to Know

  • According to official data, the PM-WANI plan has resulted in a rapid increase in public Wi-Fi hotspots across India, with roughly 1,99,896 hotspots nationwide.

What is the Prime Minister’s WANI Initiative?

  • PM Modi unveiled the Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (PM WANI) in December 2020.
  • It is an initiative of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT).
  • It advances the purpose of the National Digital Communications Policy, 2018 (NDCP) of building a strong digital communications infrastructure.
    • The goal is to make internet connection more widely available, especially in distant and neglected places.
    • Implementation: Uses Public Data Offices (PDOs) located in public places such as train stations, banks, and post offices. Users can connect to the internet via Wi-Fi at these sites without using a SIM card. 

PM-WANI ecosystem consists of four parts: 

  1. Public Data Office (PDO): It builds Wi-Fi hotspots and gives internet access to consumers.
  2. The Public Data Office Aggregator (PDOA) offers authorization and accounting services to PDOs.
  3. App Provider: It lists the accessible hotspots in the phone’s vicinity.
  4. The Centre for Development of Telematics oversees the Central Registry, which contains information on App Providers, PDOs, and PDOAs. 

How to Use PM WANI?

  • To use PM WANI services, customers must first install the Data PM WANI app on their cellphones.
  • The programme allows users to connect to local public Wi-Fi PDOs.
  • This application provides seamless connecting to PM-WANI-compliant Wi-Fi hotspots, allowing users to easily access internet services.

Offered Data Plans:

PM WANI provides a variety of data plans to meet different use needs: 

  • Rs 6 plan: 1GB data for 1 day
  • Rs 9 plan: 2GB data for 2 days
  • Rs 18 plan: 5GB data for 3 days
  • Rs 25 plan: 20GB data for 7 days
  • Rs 49 plan: 40GB data for 14 days
  • Rs 99 plan: 100GB data for 30 days

Role of Public Data Offices (PDOs)

  • The PM-WANI plan allows rural entrepreneurs to build Public Data Offices (PDOs) in remote areas.
  • These PDOs purchase internet bandwidth from telecom service providers or ISPs in order to provide low-cost Wi-Fi services.
  • This concept allows people to access the internet even in places with poor or no data connectivity. 

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