
PM Matsya Kisan Samridhi Sah-Yojana (PM-MKSSY) launched

  • The Union Cabinet has approved the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Kisan Samridhi Sah-Yojana (PM-MKSSY), a sub-scheme of the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana for micro and small enterprises in the fisheries industry.

About Pradhan Mantri Matsya Kisan Samridhi Sah-Yojana

Total InvestmentRs. 6,000 crores
Duration4 years (FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27)
Funding ModelFishermen, aquaculture farmers, seafood workers, and vendorsMicro and small businesses, SHGs, FFPOs, and startups in fisheries and aquaculture
Implementation ScopeAll States and Union Territories in India
Target BeneficiariesFishermen, aquaculture farmers, seafood workers, and vendorsMicro and small businesses, SHGs, FFPOs, and startups in fisheries and aquaculture
Employment Generation1.7 lakh new jobsSpecial emphasis on employing 75,000 women
Major ComponentsFormalisation of the Fisheries SectorAdoption of Aquaculture InsuranceSupport for microenterprises.Adoption and extension of safety and quality assurance systems.
Digital PlatformNational Fisheries Digital Platform for 40 Lakh Small and aMicro-Enterprises
Insurance IncentiveOne-time incentive for purchasing aquaculture insurance that covers at least one lakh hectares of aquaculture operations.
Performance GrantsMicroenterprise awards up to 25% of total investment or Rs.35 lakhs (whichever is lesser) in the general category.Up to 35%, or Rs.45 lakhs, for SC, ST, and women-owned businesses.Village Level Organisations and Federations awards up to 35% of the entire investment, or Rs. 200 lakhs.
Project ManagementEstablishment of Project Management Units (PMUs)
Background AchievementsFish production rose by 79.66 lakh tonnes.Shrimp production increased from 3.22 lakh to 11.84 lakh tonnes.Shrimp exports range from Rs.19,368 crore to Rs.43,135 crore.Employment and livelihood prospects for around 63 lakh fishers and fish growers.
Challenges AddressedFormalisation of the Informal SectorCrop Risk MitigationAccess to Institutional CreditSafety and quality of fish sold by micro- and small businesses

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