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Konsachem Festival in Goa and St. Bartholomew’s Feast

  • August commemorates the formation of new rice grains in Goa, which is commemorated with the Konsachem festival.

The Konsachem Festival and Its Customs

  • Background: Konsachem is a Goan Hindu and Catholic holiday that honours fresh rice grains known as konxeo in Konkani.
  • Shared Rituals: The first harvested rice sheaves are taken for blessings, with Hindus blessing deities and Catholics blessing saints.
  • Catholic Celebrations: The festival peaks for Goan Catholics on August 24, the Feast Day of St. Bartholomew, one of Jesus Christ’s 12 Apostles.
  • Observances: A procession, traditional cutting of grain, and a thanksgiving mass with offerings to St. Bartholomew are all part of the festival.

The Legacy of St. Bartholomew and Christian Faith in India

  • Bartholomew is thought to have landed in Kallianpur and preached throughout the Konkan coast, reaching as far as Karachi.
  • St. Thomas’ mission in Kerala and Tamil Nadu is well-documented, but St. Bartholomew’s services in India are less well-known yet vital.
  • Martyrdom and Influence: He is remembered for his martyrdom in Azerbaijan as well as his involvement in Christianizing Armenia and Georgia.
  • Scholars’ research highlights Christianity’s roots in India extending back to the Apostles, reaffirming Christianity’s fundamental presence in Indian religion traditions.
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