Science & Tech

ISRO successfully launches the NavIC NVS-1 satellite

  • The Indian Space Research Organisation successfully launched its fifth satellite for the year 2023.
  • As part of the NavIC, a 2,232-kilogram satellite dubbed NVS-1 was launched into space.

What exactly is NAVIC?

  • NavIC is a regional satellite navigation system comprised of seven in-orbit satellites that provide location, navigation, and timing services to a variety of industries, including civil aviation and the military.

(1) Origins and Motivation:

  • NAVIC began as IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) in the early 2000s to fulfil India’s requirement for an autonomous navigation system for strategic and civilian uses.
  • The goal of NAVIC was to lessen reliance on foreign systems such as GPS while improving national security, sovereignty, and economic growth.

(2) Satellite Deployment:

  • The NAVIC constellation is made up of 7* satellites.
  • The first satellite, IRNSS-1A, was launched in July 2013, and was followed by IRNSS-1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, and IRNSS-1I.
  • Each satellite is launched into a geostationary or inclined geosynchronous orbit, giving continuous coverage of the Indian subcontinent and neighbouring areas.

(3) Renaming to NAVIC:

  • NAVIC, which stands for Navigation using Indian Constellation, was formally designated the system in 2016.
  • The name change was intended to give the Indian regional navigation system a separate brand identity.

Technical Specifications and Key Features

(1) Coverage Area:

  • NAVIC delivers coverage throughout India and up to 1,500 kilometres outside its borders.
  • The system encompasses both the Indian landmass and the Indian Ocean region.

(2) Satellite Configuration:

  • To give accurate time signals, the NAVIC satellites are outfitted with atomic clocks.
  • They send messages at many frequencies, including the L5 and S bands, to improve precision and reliability.

(3) Applications and Services:

  • NAVIC is used for a variety of purposes, including terrestrial, aerial, and maritime navigation.
  • It is used in a variety of industries, including transportation, agriculture, disaster management, surveying, and geodetic applications.
  • The system provides services for determining position, measuring velocity, and synchronising time.

The NVS-1 Satellite

  • NVS-1 is a second-generation NavIC satellite that assures the continuity of existing services while offering new services in the Li band.
  • The satellite is equipped with two solar arrays capable of producing up to 2.4 kW of power, a lithium-ion battery for eclipse support, as well as thermal management and propulsion technologies.
  • Notably, NVS-1 contains an in-house built Rubidium atomic clock produced by the Space Applications Centre, demonstrating India’s technological prowess in this advanced technology.

Recent missions and India’s launch capability

  • The NVS-1 launch is ISRO’s second successful mission in a month and its fifth of the year.
  • ISRO completed the PSLV-C55 mission in April, delivering two satellites, including TeLEOS-2, which carried a synthetic aperture radar payload.
  • The PSLV-C55 mission emphasised India and Singapore’s collaboration in space research and technology.
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