
India’s ‘Deep Tech’ Policy will be approved by the Cabinet

  • The Indian government is about to pass a new ‘deep tech’ strategy. The final version of the policy is ready for Cabinet approval after public comments on the draft were received in July 2023.

Understanding ‘Deep Tech’ 

  • Definition and Scope: ‘Deep tech’ refers to startups that create intellectual property based on new scientific advances, with the goal of having a substantial impact. AI, ML, Blockchain, Quantum Computing, and so on.
  • According to Startup India, there are 10,298 firms in various deep tech sub-sectors as of May 2023.
  • Exclusion criteria: Deep tech companies do not include businesses based on easily repeatable ideas.

 Draft National Deep Tech Startup Policy (NDTSP) 2023

  • Policy Objectives: The NDTSP intends to address deep tech firms’ fundraising, talent acquisition, and growing R&D operations concerns.
  • Strategic Approach: The policy is intended to foster deep tech innovation, economic growth, and societal development.

India’s Deep Tech environment 

  • Global Ranking: With over 3000 deep tech enterprises, India ranks third internationally in the startup environment.
  • Sector Expansion: These companies are diversifying into industries such as agriculture, life sciences, chemistry, aerospace, and green energy.

Prospects and Policy Foundations

  • Public Consultation: Following talks with stakeholders in the deep tech ecosystem, the draft policy was released for public feedback until September 15.
  • Key Elements: The policy prioritises securing India’s economic future, transitioning to a knowledge-driven economy, strengthening national capabilities, and supporting ethical innovation.

Elements of Policy and Recommendations

  • Funding and Innovation: The policy calls for financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, and venture capital, as well as regulatory simplifications and academic-industry partnership.
  • Talent Development: STEM education, training opportunities, and attracting international talent are all priorities.
  • Access to Infrastructure and Technology: Establishment of deep tech incubation centres, testing facilities, and shared infrastructure resources.
  • Public Procurement and Market Opportunities: Encouraging government agencies to use deep technology solutions and facilitating access to foreign markets.
  • Establishing a consistent IP framework and implementing cybersecurity safeguards are two ways to protect intellectual property.


  • The NDTSP has the potential to transform India’s deep tech ecosystem by supporting technical innovation and economic progress.
  • Measuring Success: The effectiveness of the policy will be measured by its influence on startups, the depth of innovation, and societal transformation.
  • Deep Tech Democratisation: The concept attempts to make deep tech benefits available to all members of society by utilising research-driven achievements for national advancement.
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