- The World Health Organisation (WHO) and India’s G20 leadership have jointly launched the ‘Global Initiative on Digital Health’ (GIDH), a key step towards global healthcare innovation.
- The news was made during the Health Ministers’ Meeting, which was sponsored by the Indian Government during the G20 Summit.
What exactly is GIDH?
- Partnership between the WHO and the G20: The World Health Organisation (WHO) and India’s G20 leadership jointly launched the ‘Global Initiative on Digital Health’ (GIDH).
- Strategy Implementation: The Global Initiative for Digital Health (GIDH) serves as a WHO-managed platform that aids in the implementation of the ‘Global Strategy on Digital Health 2020-2025.’
- Acceleration of Transformation: As the strategy’s Secretariat, the WHO enables the worldwide convergence of standards, best practises, and resources to accelerate digital health system transformation.
Objectives of the GIDH Initiative
- Measurable Results: The GIDH strives to connect nations and partners in order to produce real results through collaborative efforts.
- Prioritising Investment Plans: The effort strives to build focused investment plans for digital health transformation, guided by clear goals.
- Improving Resource Transparency: The GIDH strives for more transparency in reporting digital health resources in order to ensure effective resource allocation.
- Facilitating Global Collaboration: The effort promotes information exchange and collaboration among regions and countries in order to accelerate growth.
- Comprehensive Governance: The Global Initiative for Digital Health (GIDH) promotes holistic government approaches to digital health governance within countries.
- Increasing Support: The project seeks to increase both technical and financial support for the implementation of the ‘Global Strategy for Digital Health 2020-2025’ and its subsequent phase.
India’s Position and Vision
- Digital Health Innovation: At the G-20 Health Ministers’ Meeting, India’s G-20 Health Minister emphasised India’s leadership in digital health innovation.
- National Digital Health Architecture: The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) was cited as an example of India’s efforts to create a comprehensive digital health ecosystem.
Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/health-minister-launches-global-initiative-on-digital-health-in-the-presence-of-who-chief/article67213614.ece