
Embracing Animal Birth Control for a Safer Society to Address Street Dog Overpopulation

Dogs have traditionally elicited a wide spectrum of emotions in people, making their presence in our lives impossible to ignore. However, the country’s towns and municipalities have faced several issues as the number of street dogs has increased in recent decades. Unfortunately, some detractors have rejected animal birth control attempts as failures, exhibiting mischievous and misguided scepticism.

Attacks by Stray Dogs in India

  • The stray dog population in cities has increased dramatically, reaching 1.5 crore according to the official 2019 livestock census.
  • However, independent assessments place the figure at roughly 6.2 crore.
  • Between 2012 and 2020, the number of dog bites more than doubled.
  • Experts agree that there may be a link between urbanisation and solid waste output, which has been highlighted by poor garbage disposal management.
  • Tepid animal birth control initiatives, limited rescue centres, and poor waste management all contribute to the proliferation of street animals in India.

Reasons for poor waste management include:

  • Inadequate waste disposal facilities and poor solid waste management frequently result in the congregation of stray dogs near rubbish dumps and landfills, where they scrounge for food.
  • Unplanned urbanisation: The population expansion in Indian cities has resulted in a significant increase in the number of stray dogs. Rapid urbanisation has resulted in the development of slums and unmanaged solid waste, both of which attract dogs.
  • Food and shelter scarcity: The availability of food and shelter determines a city’s carrying capacity. In the absence of these amenities, free-roaming dogs turn into scavengers, foraging for food and finally gravitating towards exposed rubbish dumping sites.
  • Territoriality: Stray dogs frequently become territorial and aggressive in public places where they are fed, leading to a rise in human attacks.
  • Inadequate sterilisation and rescue centres: Tepid animal birth control initiatives, limited rescue centres, and poor waste management all contribute to the proliferation of street animals in India.

Deficiencies in animal birth control

  • Inconsistent Implementation: One of the major issues is the inconsistency with which animal birth control programmes are implemented throughout different locations. The success of these programmes can vary depending on the level of commitment and funding made available by local governments.
  • Animal birth control programmes may not reach all areas afflicted by street dog overpopulation. Some places may lack funding or lack awareness of the benefits of sterilisation programmes.
  • Inadequate finance can stymie the implementation and viability of animal birth control programmes. Due to a lack of financial resources, there may be a paucity of skilled employees, insufficient infrastructure, and limited outreach activities.
  • Community Opposition: Some communities may be opposed to animal birth control activities owing to misconceptions, cultural beliefs, or a lack of awareness. To overcome these obstacles, targeted community engagement, education, and refuting stereotypes about sterilisation programmes are required.
  • Behavioural Issues: Animal birth control programmes frequently confront difficulties in collecting street dogs, performing procedures, and providing post-operative care. Fear or anger, for example, can make the procedure more difficult.
  • Long-term Sustainability: It is critical to ensure the long-term viability of animal birth control programmes. To remain effective, these programmes require ongoing funding, monitoring, and assessment.

Common misconceptions about Animal Birth Control (ABC) programmes

  • Sterilisation ineffectiveness: Some people claim that sterilisation is ineffective in controlling street dog populations. They may argue that sterilised canines can still procreate or that sterilisation has no effect. However, multiple research and the effective implementation of ABC programmes around the world have demonstrated that sterilisation is a tried and true procedure.
  • Animal Cruelty or Harm: There is a widespread belief that sterilisation surgeries are cruel and inflict unneeded harm to animals. Animal health and wellbeing are prioritised in ABC programmes, and sterilisation is a safe and humane process performed under anaesthesia by expert veterinarians.
  • Dog Abandonment: Some individuals believe that sterilised dogs are more likely to be abandoned by their owners, or that sterilisation causes behavioural changes that make them unappealing as pets. Sterilisation, on the other hand, has no detrimental impact on a dog’s behaviour or loyalty.
  • Cost inefficiency: It is sometimes stated that sterilisation programmes are costly and inefficient. However, the long-term benefits of ABC programmes, such as lower expenses connected with stray dog management, lower risks of dog bites, and enhanced public health, outweigh the initial outlay.
  • Some say that focusing on animal birth control diverts attention and resources away from more serious issues, like as poverty or healthcare. tackling street dog overpopulation through ABC programmes, on the other hand, is not mutually exclusive of tackling socioeconomic concerns.

In the future: A call to action

  • Improve Implementation: Efforts should be undertaken throughout all regions to strengthen the execution of Animal Birth Control (ABC) programmes. This includes standardising processes, enhancing infrastructure, and ensuring that ABC rules and principles are applied consistently.
  • Increase Public Awareness and Education: Public awareness campaigns should be carried out to educate communities about responsible pet ownership, the benefits of sterilisation, and how to coexist peacefully with street dogs.
  • Community Engagement: It is critical to engage with local communities in order to get support and resolve concerns about street dogs. Building trust, including community leaders, and collaborating to discover solutions can all assist to foster positive connections and support safe pet ownership practises.
  • Data Gathering and Research: Continuous study and data collecting are required to assess the effectiveness of ABC programmes, follow population trends, and comprehend the dynamics of street dog issues. This information can help to guide evidence-based decision-making, allow targeted interventions, and aid in strategy refining.
  • Strengthen Legislation and Policies: Examining and revising existing animal welfare and responsible pet ownership legislation can help to create a more conducive atmosphere for effective street dog management.
  • Collaboration and partnerships must be strengthened: Collaboration among government agencies, animal welfare organisations, veterinary experts, and community groups is critical. Partnerships can help to pool resources, knowledge, and financing, resulting in more effective treatments and long-term benefits.
  • Long-Term Sustainability: To ensure the long-term viability of street dog management programmes, ongoing funding, monitoring, and assessment are required. Governments, philanthropic organisations, and individuals should allocate money and support initiatives that prioritise human and animal welfare.
  • Learning from effective street dog management programmes done in other countries can provide significant insights and assistance. Adopting worldwide best practises, adapting them to local situations, and sharing knowledge and experiences can all help to improve the effectiveness of efforts.


Addressing street dog overpopulation necessitates a multifaceted approach that includes animal birth control as a critical component. Rather than condemning it as ineffective, we should support ongoing policy improvements and resource expenditures. Let us collaborate to reduce the suffering and public health dangers connected with obsolete techniques, and endeavour to realise our noble goal through the application of new rules.

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