Science & Tech Security Issues

Consent Age for Data Protection

  • Empowering the Central Government: In India, the impending data protection Bill may give the Centre the authority to lower the age of consent from 18 to allow access to Internet services without parental supervision.
  • Exemptions for Specific Companies: If a company can process data in a “verifiably safe” manner, the Bill may exempt it from further duties to protect children’s privacy.

Why is this in the news?

  • Departure from Previous Bill: This is a departure from the previous data protection Bill, which set the age limit at 18 years.
  • Adherence to international laws: The adjustment is in line with data protection standards in the Western world, such as the EU and the United States.

A Clause’s Journey: Changing the Definition of Child

  • Justice BN Report of the Srikrishna Committee: The committee’s 2018 report advocated getting parental consent for individuals under the age of 18, but stated that if adjustments were made, the age of consent may be reduced.
  • Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019: The recommendation was retained in the PDP Bill, 2019, which classified a kid as an individual under the age of 18.
  • Recommendations of the Joint Committee of Parliament: In its final recommendations in late 2021, the Joint Committee advocated lowering the age of consent to 13/14/16 years.
  • The drafted Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022, classified children as those under the age of 18, which irritated social media corporations.
  • Final Change: According to reports, the data protection Bill headed to Parliament’s Monsoon session has amended the definition of a child to an individual who has not reached the age of eighteen or a lower age notified by the Central Government.

Global Children Definitions for Data Regulations

  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union: The age of consent is fixed at 16, but member states can reduce it to as young as 13. There are specific safeguards in place for children’s personal data.
  • The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of the United States requires parental authorization to process personal data for children under the age of 13.
  • The Privacy Act of Australia, 1988: The Act protects personal information regardless of age, although organisations must evaluate an individual’s capacity to consent on an individual basis.
  • Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) of China requires entities handling personal data of individuals under the age of 14 to acquire parental agreement, and children’s data is classified as sensitive.


  • The reduction of the consent age in India’s data protection Bill mirrors international developments in data protection rules.
  • Countries have diverse definitions of children and different processes for gaining parental approval.
  • The final amendment to the Bill reflects a series of conversations and deliberations on defining the age of minors in India’s data protection law, addressing business stakeholders’ concerns, and complying with international norms.
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