
City Finance Rankings, 2022

The Centre launched the City Finance Rankings 2022 and City Beauty Competition to incentivize urban local governments to improve and strengthen cities’ public infrastructure based on key financial parameters.

About City Finance Rankings

  • Its goal is to evaluate, recognize, and reward urban local governments based on their financial strength across key financial parameters.
  • The goal of the City Finance Rankings is to encourage city and state officials and decision-makers to implement municipal finance reforms.
  • Participating urban local governments will be graded on 15 indicators spanning three key municipal finance assessment parameters: resource mobilization, expenditure performance, and fiscal governance.

The cities will be ranked at the national level based on their scores in any of the four population categories listed below:

  • Above 40 lakh
  • Between 10-40 lakh
  • 1 lakh to 10 lakh and
  • Less than one lakh

The top three cities in each population category will be recognized and rewarded at the national level as well as within each state and state cluster

About City Beauty Competition

  • Wards and public spaces in cities would be evaluated based on five broad criteria: (i) accessibility, (ii) amenities, (iii) activities, (iv) aesthetics, and (v) ecology.
  • It would honor the most beautiful wards and public spaces in the city.
  • It seeks to encourage and recognize the transformative efforts of Indian cities and wards in creating beautiful, innovative, and inclusive public spaces.
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