International Relations

At the United Nations, China opposes India’s proposal to blacklist Pakistani terrorists

At the United Nations, China once again rejected a bid by India and the United States to name Pakistan-born Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Sajid Mir as a global terrorist on the UN Security Council’s 1267 list.

What is the UN Security Council Resolution 1267 list?

  • On October 15, 1999, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1267.
  • It went into effect in 1999 and was enhanced following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
  • The Da’esh and Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee is now in place.

What is the UN Security Council Resolution 1267 Committee?

  • All permanent and non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) are members of it.
  • The 1267 terrorist list is a global list with a UNSC stamp.
  • It is one of the most important and active UN subsidiary groups involved in anti-terrorism activities, particularly with regard to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State group.
  • It examines UN initiatives to curb terrorist movement, particularly those involving travel bans, asset freezes, and terrorism-related arms embargoes.

How is the listing done?

(1) Submission of Proposal

  • Any member state may propose listing an individual, group, or entity.
  • The proposal must include acts or activities suggesting that the proposed individual/group/entity was involved in the financing, planning, facilitating, arranging, or carrying out of acts or activities related to the organisations in question.

(2) Actual decision

  • Consensus is used to make decisions on listing and de-listing.
  • The proposal is distributed to all members, and if no member objects within five working days, it is adopted.
  • An “objection” is a formal rejection of the proposition.

(3) Putting and resolving ‘Technical Holds’

  • Any Committee member may also place a “technical hold” on the proposal and request additional information from the proposed member state.
  • Other members may also put holds during this time.
  • The topic is still on the Committee’s “pending” list.
  • Pending issues must be resolved within six months, however the member state that imposed the halt may request an extension of three months.
  • If no objections are filed at the conclusion of this period, the subject is considered authorised.

Why is India so enraged this time?

  • PM Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping recently visited the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Samarkand.
  • The coalition pledged to take firm and coordinated action against terrorism in the region.
  • Despite this, China has demonstrated its double standards on the problem of terrorism by continuously refusing to designate terrorists located in Pakistan.
  • China’s decision to impose a ‘Technical Hold’ is yet another unexpected action.

Here is a timeline of how China undermines global anti-terrorism efforts:

  • After the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, India proposed an independent terror designation against Masood Azhar, but China rejected it.
  • After seven years, India considers naming Masood Azhar as a global terrorist, which is supported by the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. China has once again blocked the move.
  • 2017: The trio submits a third proposal, which is once again rejected by China.
  • 2019: Following the attacks on CRPF troops in Pulwama, J&K, India summons 25 envoys from various nations to underscore Islamabad’s role in supporting, encouraging, and growing global terrorism. India submits the fourth proposal, which calls for Masood Azhar to be listed. China has lifted its technical blockade.
  • In June 2022, China vetoed an Indian and US move to designate Pakistan-based terrorist Abdul Rehman Makki as a “Global Terrorist.”
  • August 2022: China rejects an India-US proposal to name Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) deputy commander Abdul Rauf Azhar as a UN Security Council designated terrorist.


  • When it comes to the international community’s common fight against terrorism, China’s actions show its double language and double standards.
  • This obviously demonstrates its concern for its puppet state, Pakistan.
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