International Relations

Article 99 of the United Nations Charter

Under Article 99, the UN General Secretary wrote about the rising dangers to peace and security posed by the situation in Gaza.

  • Under Article 99, the UN General Secretary wrote about the rising dangers to peace and security posed by the situation in Gaza.
  • He emphasised the necessity for a humanitarian ceasefire by mentioning human suffering, fatalities, and devastation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Understanding the UN Charter as an International 

  • Treaty: The United Nations Charter, the foundation instrument of the organisation, serves as an international treaty binding member nations.
  • The provision in Article 99 permits the Secretary-General to submit any topic to the UN Security Council that may jeopardise international peace and security.
  • Discretionary authority: This is a discretionary authority that requires the Secretary-General to use political judgement, tact, and honesty.

Invocation of Article 99 in the Past

  • Article 99 has only been used a few times, with prominent examples being the Congo uprising in 1960 and Tunisia’s protest against France in 1961.
  • Current Context: It has been suggested that Guterres’ use of Article 99 in relation to Gaza is an important constitutional step.
  • The Crisis in Detail: He emphasised the necessity for a humanitarian ceasefire by mentioning human suffering, fatalities, and devastation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Impact Possibility

  • Following Guterres’ letter, the UAE filed a draft resolution to the UN Security Council requesting an immediate ceasefire.
  • Voting Dynamics: The resolution must have at least nine votes in favour and no vetoes from the five permanent members in order to succeed.
  • Consensus Challenges: Given the US and UK’s backing for Israel’s military activities since October 7, the probability of universal support among permanent members is doubtful.
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