Science & Tech

The new ban on personal computer/laptop imports: Why the change, and what it might mean

The central government has set urgent limitations on the import of laptops, tablets, and PCs. According to the notification, the item would be permitted with a valid licence for restricted imports.

The Big Idea

  • To boost indigenous production and minimise reliance on Chinese imports, India has imposed limits on the import of personal computers, laptops, and other IT devices from China. This measure is part of the government’s aim to grow the electronics sector and increase India’s self-sufficiency in IT hardware production.

What is stated in the import restriction notification?

  • Restricted Categories: According to the notification, the import of personal computers, laptops, palmtops, automatic data processing machines, microcomputers and processors, and big or mainframe computers with the HSN code 8471 is prohibited.
  • Import with a Valid Licence: Imports of laptops, tablets, all-in-one personal computers, ultra-small form factor computers, and servers under HSN 8741 will be permitted only with a valid licence.
  • Exemption for Research and Development: The government has given exemption from import licences for imports of up to 20 goods per consignment for the purposes of research and development, testing, benchmarking, evaluation, repair and re-export, and product development. These imports, however, can only be used for the listed objectives and cannot be sold.
  • Exemption for Repair and Return: According to the Foreign Trade Policy, the licence for limited imports is not required for the repair and return of products repaired abroad.

China’s Import Dominance in IT Hardware

Imports of Electronic Goods Have Increased:

  • In recent years, India has seen a major growth in imports of electronic goods and laptops/computers.
  • The import of electronic items increased to $6.96 billion during the April-June quarter, accounting for 4-7 percent of total imports.

Dominance in the Personal Computers Category:

  • Among the seven banned import categories, China dominates the personal computer market, which includes laptops and palmtops.
  • Personal computer imports from China totaled $558.36 million in April-May, accounting for around 70-80 percent of India’s overall imports in this category.

Surge in Chinese imports:

  • While imports from China fell in the previous fiscal year, it is critical to address the substantial increase in imports in the two preceding years (2021-22 and 2020-21).
  • Imports of personal computers and laptop computers from China increased by 51.5 percent year on year in 2021-22, totaling $5.34 billion.
  • Similarly, imports totaled $3.52 billion in 2020-21, representing a strong year-on-year growth of 44.7 percent.

The reasons behind the limits

  • Increasing Domestic Production: India intends to improve its domestic manufacturing capabilities in the electronics sector. By limiting imports, the government hopes to encourage enterprises to manufacture these goods in India.
  • Reducing Dependence on China: In recent years, India has experienced a major growth in its imports of Chinese electronic items and laptops/computers. India plans to lessen its reliance on Chinese imports and diversify its sources of electronic items by imposing limitations.
  • Supporting the PLI plan: The decision is considered as a direct boost to the Center’s PLI plan for IT hardware. The limits are intended to encourage businesses to join in the scheme and invest in local manufacturing.
  • Addressing Trade Imbalances: India has a trade deficit with China in the electronics sector. India hopes to remedy this imbalance and potentially improve its trading position by reducing imports.
  • Domestic Electronics Industry Strengthening: The limitation is part of India’s larger goal to grow and strengthen its electronics manufacturing sector. India hopes to create jobs and improve its industrial capabilities by supporting indigenous production.


India’s plan to limit IT gear imports from China attempts to lessen reliance on a single country for imports. This restriction, with the correct incentives and measures in place, might pave the path for a large and competitive local IT hardware business in India.


Anna Bhau Sathe

Telangana’s chief minister has expressed a wish for social reformer, writer, and folk poet Anna Bhau Sathe to be recognised with the prestigious Bharat Ratna award.

What was Anna Bhau Sathe’s name?

  • Anna Bhau Sathe, born Tukaram Bhaurao Sathe on August 1, 1920, in Maharashtra’s Wategaon village, rose to prominence as a writer, poet, and social activist.
  • His rise from humble beginnings in a Dalit household to becoming a renowned writer and folk poet exemplifies his indomitable spirit and dedication to social improvement.

Early Years and Difficulties

  • Mumbai Sathe’s family relocated to Mumbai in 1930, where he worked as a porter, hawker, and cotton mill employee, facing the trials of working-class life.
  • His involvement in the 1934 workers’ strike led by the Lal Bawta Mill Workers Union marked the beginning of his involvement in labour and social issues.
  • Learning to Read and Write: After being denied schooling because of his Dalit origin, Sathe joined labour study circles and learned to read and write.

Evolution as a Writer

  • Early Poetry: His first poem, on the threat of mosquitoes at the labour camp, lay the groundwork for his subsequent artistic endeavours.
  • Sathe founded the Dalit Yuvak Sangh, a cultural group that wrote poems about workers’ rallies and agitations.
  • Progressive Writers’ Influence: The national foundation of the Progressive Writers Association, with writers such as Premchand and Faiz Ahmad Faiz, exposed him to translated Russian works, prompting him to compose plays, stories, and novels.

Broad-Reaching Impact of His Work Raising Awareness:

  • Sathe travelled across Mumbai with his group, raising awareness about workers’ rights and societal issues.
  • Over the course of his 49-year career, he wrote 32 novels, 13 collections of short stories, four plays, a travelogue, and 11 ballads (povadas).
  • Several of his novels have been turned into films, while others have been translated into other languages, including Russian. His play “Bangalchi Hak” was performed at the Royal Theatre in London.
  • Depiction of Social Realities: During his lifetime, Sathe’s work dug into the caste and class realities of Indian society.

Left-leaning Ideology and Russian Connection

  • Marxism influenced him, but he also showed the brutal realities of the caste system in his writing.
  • Sathe created the Lal Bawta Kala Pathak in 1943, and it toured Maharashtra, performing programmes on caste atrocities, class conflict, and workers’ rights.
  • Dr. Ambedkar Dedication: His most famous novel, “Fakira,” was dedicated to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, indicating his commitment to the Dalit cause.

Inspiration from Russia

  • Maxim Gorky’s Influence: Known as the “Maxim Gorky of Maharashtra,” Sathe drew inspiration for his works from Gorky’s book “The Mother” and the Russian Revolution.
  • Visit to Russia: Sathe journeyed to Russia with a group of other Indians in 1961, deepening his understanding of Russian culture.
Science & Tech

ISRO Rocket Debris on the Australian Coast

  • A big object discovered on the coasts of Western Australia a few weeks ago was determined to be the debris of an ISRO rocket used for the IRNSS constellation.
  • Concerns have been raised concerning space debris and its potential impact on Earth and its inhabitants as a result of the catastrophe.

Frequency and Risks of Space Junk

  • Common Occurrences: It is not commonplace for space debris to fall back to Earth. The majority of cases involve relatively small pieces that survive atmospheric friction and are usually unnoticed.
  • However, there have been a few high-profile falls, including a 25-tonne Chinese rocket component that fell into the Indian Ocean in May 2021 and the disintegration of the Skylab space station in 1979, with some fragments landing in Western Australia.

How did the ISRO debris end up in Australia?

  • Probable Re-entry and Ocean Drift: The debris most likely remained unburned while re-entering the atmosphere and finally fell into the ocean. Ocean currents could have brought it to Australia’s coasts.
  • Move for disposal: The Australian Space Agency is collaborating with ISRO to decide the next steps, which will include taking into account commitments under United Nations space treaties.

Potential Hazards and their Impact on Life and Property:

  • The danger posed by falling space trash to life and property cannot be overstated. Even objects that fall into oceans can endanger marine life and add to pollution.
  • There have been no reported examples of falling space debris inflicting considerable damage on Earth. Debris falling over land has typically occurred in desolate places.

International Regulations and Liability

  • Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects: International regulations, such as this Convention, govern issues related to space debris falling back to Earth.
  • Absolute Liability: The launching country is “absolutely liable” to compensate for any damage caused by its space object on Earth or during an aviation flight.
  • Compensation Provision: In the current instance, if the PSLV debris caused any harm in Australia, India might have been held accountable, regardless of whether it fell into the water first.
  • Past Compensation: The Convention has only resulted in one payment of compensation, when Canada claimed damages from the Soviet Union in 1978 for a satellite containing a radioactive chemical that fell into its unoccupied northern territory. As reparation, the Soviet Union paid $3 million in Canadian currency.

Efforts of ISRO to Reduce Space Debris

  • ISRO successfully completed a dedicated commercial mission, deploying seven Singaporean satellites into their designated orbits on board a PSLV rocket.
  • Orbit-lowering ISRO conducted a one-of-a-kind experiment during this flight, lowering the fourth stage of the rocket into a 300 km high orbit after putting client satellites at an altitude of 536 km to reduce space debris concerns.
  • Debris Removal Duration: The duration of the stage in space has been greatly decreased thanks to the orbit-lowering experiment to “two months.”
  • Experiment Goals: The experiment intends to address space debris mitigation issues while also preserving desirable orbits for future satellite deployments.
Science & Tech

Akira Ransomware is being warned against by CERT-IN

The Computer Emergency Response Team of India (CERT-In) has issued a warning about the Akira ransomware, a very severe cyber threat that has caused havoc on corporate networks around the world.

What exactly is the Akira Ransomware?

  • Akira ransomware encrypts sensitive data on infected devices and appends the “akira” extension to filenames, rendering the files inaccessible to users.
  • Shadow Volume Deletion: The ransomware deletes Windows Shadow Volume copies, limiting victim organisations’ data recovery options.
  • Ransom Demands: Ransomware operators demand a twofold ransom for decryption and recovery, threatening to disclose sensitive material on their dark web blog if payment is not made.

Infection and Mechanism of Action

  • Akira ransomware spreads largely via spear-phishing emails with malicious attachments, drive-by downloads, and specially engineered web URLs. It also infiltrates systems through unsecured Remote Desktop connections.
  • To protect system stability, the ransomware avoids encrypting certain system directories.
  • The victim is given a unique negotiation password to connect with the ransomware gang via the threat actor’s Tor site.
  • Important targets
  • Akira ransomware targets business networks in a variety of industries, including education, finance, real estate, manufacturing, and consulting.
  • Exfiltration of sensitive corporate data: In addition to encryption, threat actors steal sensitive corporate data and use it as leverage in extortion attempts.

Akira Ransomware Protection Measures

  • Backups on a regular basis: Maintain current offline backups to secure data recovery in the event of an attack.
  • Updates to the system: Update operating systems and networks on a regular basis, and use virtual patching for legacy systems.
  • To combat email spoofing and spam, implement Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC), Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Sender Policy Framework (SPF).
  • Strong Authentication: To secure user accounts, enforce strong password policies and multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  • Data Encryption: To safeguard sensitive information, use data-at-rest and data-in-transit encryption.
  • Attachment Blocking: To avoid harmful downloads, block suspicious attachment file types such as.exe,.pif, or.url.
  • Security Audits: Conduct frequent security audits to identify vulnerabilities, especially for key networks and database servers.

Kuril Islands

  • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues, posing issues in resource allocation along the country’s western border.
  • Japan sees this as an opportunity to retake the Kuril Islands, also known as Japan’s Northern Territories, which were captured by Soviet soldiers during WWII.


  • The Kuril Islands, commonly known as the Kurile Islands, are an archipelago of volcanic islands in the northern Pacific Ocean.
  • They extend from the northeastern tip of Japan’s Hokkaido to the southernmost point of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula.
  • It consists of 56 islands, the most important of which are Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan, and Habomai.
  • The Kuril Islands are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of severe volcanic and seismic activity caused by tectonic plate movement.
  • Several active volcanoes can be found on the islands, including Alaid, Ebeko, and Chikurachki.

What exactly is the point of contention?

  • Since the end of World War II, the islands have been a source of contention between Russia and Japan.
  • Following the war, the Soviet Union seized control of the Kuril Islands, displacing around 17,000 Japanese people.
  • The southernmost islands (Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan, and Habomai) are claimed by Japan and referred to as the “Northern Territories.”
  • Russia retains authority over the islands and regards them as an extension of its territory.
  • The territory dispute has prevented Russia and Japan from negotiating a formal peace treaty to officially conclude World War II hostilities.

What exactly is Zero FIR?

  • Recent incidences of violence and criminality in Manipur have brought the ‘Zero First Information Report (FIR)’ concept to the forefront.
  • The Supreme Court has requested all evidence pertaining to such FIRs in the Manipur Gangrape Incidence.

What is Zero FIR?

  • Provision and Purpose: Zero FIR permits any police station to file a FIR for a cognisable offence without first assigning a conventional FIR number.
  • No diary: Whereas FIRs are assigned serial numbers, zero FIRs are assigned the number ‘0’. As a result, the name.
  • Rapid Action: The relevant police station then records a new FIR and begins the investigation.
  • Focus on Victims: It is intended to speed up the filing of complaints, particularly for major offences affecting women and children, without the need to visit multiple police stations.
  • Early registration helps prevent the loss or tampering with critical evidence and witnesses.
  • Transferred Jurisdiction: The Zero FIR is later transferred to the police station where the offence happened or where the investigation should take place.

How does it function?

  • After registering a zero FIR, a police station must transfer the complaint to a police station with jurisdiction to investigate the alleged offence.
  • After transferring a zero FIR, the police station with the relevant jurisdiction provides it a serial number, transforming it into a normal FIR.

Zero FIR Legal Provisions

  • Various judgements and guidelines support the provision of Zero FIR.
  • Satvinder Kaur vs. State (1999): The Delhi High Court ruled that a woman has the right to file a complaint from any location other than the location of the occurrence.
  • The Verma Committee of Justice (2012): The Justice Verma Committee, constituted in response to the 2012 Nirbhaya gangrape case, recommended the implementation of Zero FIR.
  • Lalita Kumari v. State of Uttar Pradesh (2014): The Supreme Court declared that filing a FIR is required when information reveals the commission of a cognizable criminal.
Science & Tech

Hybrid Electric Vehicles: A Path to Net-Zero Mobility

  • The global transition to net-zero emissions is vital to mitigating climate change, and electric vehicles (EVs) play a critical part in this effort.
  • Given the limitations of power supply, grid capacity, and fast-charging infrastructure in economically developing countries, hybrid EVs offer a substantial chance to jumpstart the shift.

Understanding Vehicle Net-Zero

  • The notion of “net-zero for vehicles” refers to reaching carbon neutrality or net-zero carbon emissions in the transportation sector.
  • This goal entails lowering cars’ overall carbon footprint in order to balance the emissions they emit with equivalent carbon removal or offsetting efforts.

Electric Vehicle Types

  • Any vehicle with an electric drivetrain that is powered by a portable electrical energy source is considered an electric vehicle (EV).
  • To generate power, a hybrid EV combines an internal combustion engine (ICE) with an electrical generator. It has a tiny battery (1-5kWh) that serves as an energy buffer, however it cannot be charged from the grid.
  • Full EV: Also known as a battery EV or plug-in EV, it does not have an ICE and so emits no exhaust emissions. It has a bigger battery (20-120 kWh) that is charged entirely by the grid.
  • Plug-in Hybrid EV: A hybrid EV with a larger battery (5-15 kWh) that can be charged from the grid and operates in full electric mode as long as the battery has energy.
  • Fuel-Cell EV: A fuel cell and a small battery buffer are used to provide electricity for the drivetrain.

Emissions and Fuel Economy of Hybrid and Fully Electric EVs

  • Hybrid electric vehicles: Hybrid EVs have 1.5-2x higher fuel economy than standard ICE vehicles in city driving and 1-1.5x higher on the highway thanks to the combination of an ICE, generator, and battery.
  • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Combine the benefits of hybrid and full EVs, covering 80-90% of short commutes in fully electric mode while consuming 3-4x less gasoline than conventional vehicles.
  • Emissions During the Life Cycle: A complete index that takes into account emissions from well to wheel, vehicle and battery production, maintenance, and end-of-life recycling. Even with India’s fossil-fuel-dominated energy mix, full EVs result in 19-34% lower emissions for cars and 38-49% lower emissions for SUVs compared to conventional vehicles.

Transitioning to Electric Mobility’s Difficulties

  • Fast-Charging Infrastructure: To ease range anxiety and encourage full EV adoption, a successful transition requires fast-charging infrastructure along highways.
  • Grid connections and Reliability: Many places lack stable grid connections, providing issues for slow and fast charging capacities.
  • Vehicle expenses: In economically developing countries, mass-market EV pricing are substantially lower, limiting widespread adoption due to high battery costs.

EVs with Hybrid and Plug-in Hybrid Powertrains: Decarbonizing the Interim

  • Hybrid EVs offer a way to reduce emissions until full EVs become realistic solutions in the long run.
  • Plug-in hybrids, with their all-electric range, have numerous advantages, including lower fuel costs, pollutants, and oil imports.
  • In hybrid EVs, regenerative braking and engine start-stop technologies improve fuel economy.
  • Regardless of vehicle range, the purchase price of hybrid cars is only marginally higher than that of conventional vehicles.
Science & Tech

The BPaL Trial has resulted in an 85% TB cure rate

  • The preliminary findings of a randomised phase-3/4 study done in India to assess the safety and efficacy of BPaL Regimen, an all-oral, short-course therapy, are encouraging.
  • Individuals with pre-XDR TB or treatment-intolerant/non-responsive MDR pulmonary TB are given BPaL.

What exactly is BPaL?

  • Bedaquiline, Pretomanid, and Linezolid (BPaL) are the sole medications used in the trial.
  • The treatment is only 26 weeks long, as opposed to the traditional 18-month treatment using eight to nine tablets every day.

Trial Results

  • It provided a much lower amount of pills per day, leading in enhanced treatment adherence and outcomes.
  • Approximately 70% of trial participants finished the 26-week treatment, with a cure rate of more than 85%.
  • In comparison, even with perfect adherence, the cure rate for traditional DR-TB treatment is 60-65%.

Superiority in Treatment

  • Cases of Advanced Tuberculosis: Despite the fact that the study participants had advanced TB affecting both lungs, the cure rate was greater than 85%, confirming the superiority of the BPaL short-course therapy.
  • The Value of Early Diagnosis: For individuals with pre-XDR TB, early diagnosis and treatment with the three-drug regimen can result in even better outcomes.

Problems with the treatment

  • Three to four study participants reported severe side effects, but these were either treated or happened too late in the disease’s course to be helpful.
  • Mild side effects of linezolid included a decrease in haemoglobin and platelet counts, as well as neuropathy (tingling and numbness in the legs).

The Tuberculosis Epidemic in India

  • Total TB Cases: In 2021, around 21.3 lakh (2.13 million) TB cases were reported in India.
  • Incidence Rate: In 2021, the incidence rate of tuberculosis in India was 210 cases per lakh population.
  • Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: The number of drug-resistant tuberculosis patients in India has decreased from around 1.49 lakh in 2015 to 1.19 lakh in 2021.
  • Initiatives of the Government: To battle tuberculosis, India has set the goal of eliminating the illness by 2025, and numerous programmes, such as active case detection, screening, and increased access to diagnostic tests and treatment, have been adopted.
Science & Tech

The Chip Design Ecosystem in India

  • As part of the second phase of the Design-Linked Incentive (DLI) Scheme for the semiconductor industry, the Indian government is exploring a proposal to select an equity share in domestic chip design firms.
  • The scheme’s goal is to create a stable ecosystem and encourage the creation of “fabless companies” in India—those that design chips but outsource production.
  • However, due to the capital-intensive nature of the semiconductor industry and the lengthy gestation periods for setting up design and production units, this approach necessitates a long-term strategy.

What is DLI Scheme?

  • The DLI scheme is a programme that provides financial and infrastructural assistance to enterprises that want to set up semiconductor manufacturing operations in India.
  • Eligible participants who establish fabrication facilities in the country might get up to 50% of the total cost.
  • Furthermore, participants constructing compound semiconductor, silicon photonics, and sensor production plants might receive 30% fiscal support under this scheme.
  • Companies engaging in semiconductor design for integrated circuits, chipsets, system-on-chips, systems, and IP cores will earn 4% to 6% net sales incentives over a five-year period.
  • The initiative is anticipated to help at least 20 such businesses flourish, with a total revenue of more than Rs 1500 crore in the following five years.

Chip Dynamics at the Present

  • Long Gestation Period: Establishing design and fabrication units in the semiconductor business necessitates a lengthy gestation period before the first product is released. Returns on investment do not occur immediately.
  • Capital-intensive: The semiconductor sector necessitates significant investment in order to set up fabrication units, scale up manufacturing capacities, and conduct research.
  • The cyclic nature of the industry, as well as the shifting functional needs of chipsets, make research and development difficult.
  • Supply chain interruptions, such as those experienced during COVID-related lockdowns, might erode investor trust in the sector.

Domestic Chip Industry Scenario Talent Pool:

  • India has a highly qualified talent pool of semiconductor design engineers, accounting for over 20% of the worldwide workforce and working for multinational corporations such as Intel, Micron, and Qualcomm, among others.
  • Despite a thriving talent pool, India holds a smaller percentage of the intellectual property (IP) connected to semiconductor designs, which is largely kept by multinational firms.
  • DLI Scheme for Chip Design: The DLI scheme, which was implemented in December 2021, seeks to indigenize ideas and assist the growth of chip design companies through financial incentives.
  • Changing Landscape: The plan has resulted in the development of over 30 semiconductor design businesses in India, with some already getting government funding.

India’s market is expanding

  • The semiconductor business is rapidly expanding and is expected to reach $1 trillion in the next decade. India can rapidly rise to $64 billion by 2026, up from $27 billion presently.
  • Mobiles, wearables, information technology, and industrial components are the key segments in the Indian semiconductor business, accounting for over 80% of revenues in 2021.
  • The mobile and wearables market is now $13.8 billion and is predicted to grow to $31.5 billion by 2026.

Considerations and Obstacles

  • Efficiency and effectiveness: According to some analysts, the government’s ambition to establish a venture capital business for chip design firms is useless and inefficient. Foreign purchasers may be preferred by companies for greater valuations and global ecosystem linkages.
  • Foreign purchasers may be preferred by companies for greater valuations and global ecosystem linkages.
  • Support for Venture Capital: A shortage of venture capitalists in the private sector focused on semiconductors is a barrier to the expansion of design firms.
  • The Impact of an Equity Stake: Offering an equity stake helps match the interests of design firms with the success of the project, ensuring shared risk and benefit. It may also aid in more effectively selling chip-designing services and attracting a bigger client base in the market.
  • Intellectual Property and Value-Added Activities: The government must assess who can keep the IP and how investments can spur additional innovation and job creation. It is critical to move up the value chain and enable the ecosystem.
International Relations

Judicial Reform in Israel What is the problem all about?

  • The governing coalition in Israel’s Parliament (Knesset) passed a crucial component of its judicial makeover proposal on July 24, aimed at limiting the Supreme Court’s supervisory powers over government decisions.
  • Months of protests have erupted against the right-wing government’s efforts to reform the court.

Judiciary Overhaul: The Crisis Trigger

  • Abolishing the “Reasonability Doctrine”: The Knesset legislation repeals the Supreme Court’s “reasonable doctrine” for evaluating government actions and ministerial nominations. This doctrine empowered the court to assess the reasonableness and justice of government actions and, if necessary, to overturn them.
  • Other Countries’ Reasonability Doctrine: The reasonability test is a legal standard used by top courts in a number of nations, including Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, to analyse government decisions.
  • Criticism and Justification: Government supporters claim that the reasonability requirement is excessively abstract and prone to judicial overreach, thereby supporting its elimination. They claim that by making this move, courts will be prevented from intervening with presidential choices.

Other Overhaul Plan Proposals

  • Limiting Judicial Review: The original revamp plan contained suggestions to limit judicial review of legislation and give Parliament the authority to veto court decisions with a 61-61 vote.
  • Greater Control Over Judicial Appointments: The administration wants to replace members of the Bar Association on the nine-member panel that selects judges with ‘public representatives’ nominated by the government. The government would get a majority vote on the committee and more power over judicial appointments as a result of this reform.
  • Ministerial Independence from Legal experts: Another proposal proposes to abolish the legal duty for Ministers to accept the advice of their legal experts, including the advice of the Attorney-General.

The Reason for the Right-Wing Government’s Agenda Revision:

  • The current Israeli government, comprised of right-wing, ultra-Orthodox, and extreme-right parties, seeks to strengthen its grip on the judiciary. The judiciary has been chastised by right-wing authorities for hindering their legislative agenda and settlement development in Palestinian territory.
  • Shift in Israel’s politics: Israel’s politics has evolved to the right over the years, while the court has remained relatively independent. The right has long argued for putting the judiciary under the jurisdiction of Parliament.
  • Think Tank Influence: The Kohelet Policy Forum, a think tank sponsored by American and Israeli millionaires, was instrumental in developing the judicial reforms. Kohelet strives to achieve right-wing policy reforms in Israel and has advocated for judicial reform.

Protests and Concerns over Democracy Undermining:

  • Critics, notably the Opposition and civic society, say that the government’s actions are an attempt to undermine Israel’s democracy. They are concerned that consolidating power inside the government, which is controlled by right-wing and religious parties, will result in an authoritarian theocracy.
  • Tensions between Orthodox and Liberal Jews: Protests have extended to many groups, including military reservists, amid fears that religious parties will weaken the courts and elevate religious groups.
  • Supreme Court Review: Civil society organisations have petitioned the Supreme Court to challenge the Act based on the reasonability concept. In the face of a constitutional battle, the court will consider the challenges, despite the fact that the legislation limits its own authority.
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