
2021-22 State Energy Efficiency Index

The report of the State Energy Efficiency Index (SEEI) 2021-22 has been released by the Union Minister of Power and New and Renewable Energy.

Index of State Energy Efficiency

  • The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) collaborated with the Alliance for an Energy-Efficient Economy to create the SEEI 2021-22. (AEEE).
  • SEEI 2021-22 includes 50 indicators (both common and programme-specific) across seven sectors: buildings, industry, municipal services, transportation, agriculture, DISCOMs, and cross-sector.
  • In SEEI 2021-22, 36 states and union territories were evaluated for their energy efficiency improvement in fiscal years 2020-21 and 2021-22.
  • States have been categorised as ‘Front runner,’ ‘Achiever,’ ‘Contender,’ and ‘Aspirant’ based on their efforts and achievements.

SEEI’s Importance

  • The SEEI increases data collecting, fosters cross-state collaboration, and generates programme ideas for energy efficiency.
  • It assists states in identifying areas for improvement, learning from best practices, and implementing energy efficiency across the economy.
  • It intends to drive decarbonization efforts and achieve a more sustainable future by prioritising energy efficiency.

The report’s key recommendations

The report makes the following recommendations to assist states in driving change in EE that will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and NDC:

  • Enabling fiscal help for energy efficiency in priority industries.
  • Building institutional capacity in states and UTs to address emerging energy efficiency needs and issues.
  • Strengthening cross-functional relationships among financial institutions, energy service firms, and energy professionals in state-wide energy efficiency implementation.
  • Integrating energy data reporting and monitoring across industries.
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