
Mother Tongue Survey of India (MTSI), what it is?

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has completed the Mother Tongue Survey of India (MTSI) with field videography of the country’s 576 languages.

  • The Mother Tongue Survey of India (MTSI), which included field recordings in all 576 of the nation’s official languages, has been completed by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
  • The Mother Tongue Survey of India is an initiative that collects data on the mother languages that have been regularly reported for at least two census decades.
  • The linguistic characteristics of the chosen languages are also documented.
  • The term “mother language” is one that the respondent has provided, but not needs to be the same as the actual linguistic medium.
  • The National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) and the NIC will record and preserve the linguistic information of the mother tongues surveyed in audio-video files.
  • For the sake of archiving, videotaped Mother Tongue speech data will also be uploaded to the NIC survey.

‘Mother Tongues’ in India

  • More than 19,500 dialects are spoken in India as mother tongues, according to an examination of census data from the linguistic group conducted in 2011.
  • Each of them belongs to one of 121 mother tongues.
  • Hindi is the language used as the mother tongue by the most people, accounting for 52.8 crore people or 43.6% of the population, according to the 2011 Linguistic Census.
  • Bengali, which is the mother language of 9.7 crore people and is spoken by 8% of the population, comes in second.

Role of mother tongue in the education of children

  • Mother tongue shall be the major medium of teaching in schools for children up to the age of eight, according to the new National Curriculum Framework (NCF).
  • The advantages of using your mother tongue as your major language of teaching are emphasised by the new NCF, which covers pre-school and schools I through II.
  • According to this, kids have a good grasp of their “home language” by the time they start preschool.
  • This push came after the PM and Home Minister repeatedly argued for it in terms of policy.

Why emphasize more on mother tongue?

  • The NCF asserts that research evidence supports the significance of teaching children in their mother tongue throughout the early years and beyond.
  • In their native tongue, children grasp topics most quickly and thoroughly.
  • Therefore, in the Foundational Stage, the child’s mother tongue, native language, or preferred language should serve as the primary medium of learning.

Status of the population census

  • The upcoming decennial census will be the 16th to be conducted since the first exercise in 1872.
  • The seventh census since independence will take place.
  • The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak caused the census to be delayed from its original 2021 date.

Updates in the new census

  • The Home Ministry has implemented new efforts, including as digital data processing and the use of geospatial technology, to enable efficient processing and prompt dissemination of data.
  • The study states that pre-census mapping operations would be carried out, including the creation and updating of maps that display administrative units.
  • Interactive web-based maps will be used to distribute the results of the census.
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