Science & Tech

Bengal is dealing with a potentially fatal Adenovirus infection

Adenovirus-caused acute respiratory infection (ARI) killed 19 children under the age of five in state-run institutions.

What exactly is Adenovirus Infection?

  • Adenoviruses are common viruses that cause mild cold or flu-like symptoms and are typically spread from one infected person to another through close personal contact.
  • The virus is spread through the air by coughing and sneezing, as well as by touching an adenovirus-infected object or surface.
  • While the virus can affect people of all ages, children with low or compromised immunity are more vulnerable.
  • Other than common cold or flu-like symptoms, viral infections can cause acute bronchitis, pneumonia, pink eye (conjunctivitis), and acute gastroenteritis.

Causes of the Bengal outbreak

  • Doctors believe that the recombinant strain is to blame for the increase in infections and deaths.
  • The majority of the children infected with the virus are under the age of three and were born during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Children aged six months to preschool are the most vulnerable to viral infection.
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