Science & Tech

Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) at NASA

  • NASA’s DSOC experiment, which is aboard the Psyche spacecraft, recently showed effective data transfer to Earth via near-infrared laser pulses.
  • This technique solves the problem of sending massive volumes of data across great distances from spacecraft travelling at high speeds in outer space.
  • NASA’s DSOC project uses near-infrared laser beams to communicate with spacecraft.
  • DSOC offers data rates that are at least ten times quicker than traditional radio communication systems, resulting in faster data transfer rates, higher-resolution photos, greater scientific data volume, and even real-time video streaming.
  • The laser communication technique developed by DSOC is akin to how fibre optics revolutionised terrestrial telecommunications.

DSOC and Psyche Spacecraft

  • Psyche is the first spacecraft to carry a DSOC transceiver, which will be used to test high-bandwidth optical communication with Earth during its two-year journey to the asteroid belt.
  • When the transceiver locked onto a strong laser beacon sent from NASA’s Table Mountain Facility in California, the DSOC achieved its “first light” milestone.
  • High data rates need incredibly accurate targeting, which is analogous to shooting a small target from a big distance while both are moving.
  • This accuracy is required for the laser transceiver to monitor its target despite spaceship oscillations.

Important Success Factors

  • To guarantee accuracy, the spaceship must shield the transceiver from vibrations.
  • DSOC mechanisms adapt to maintain correct pointing when the Earth and spacecraft move during data transmission.
  • To retrieve information from weak laser signals carried across huge distances in space, new signal-processing techniques are required.

Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative (AGNI)

  • The Ministry of Ayush’s Central Council for Research in Ayurveda Sciences (CCRAS) has launched the “Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative” (AGNI) to stimulate research and innovation among Ayurveda practitioners.
  • AGNI aspires to chronicle and authenticate Ayurvedic medical practises, improve evidence-based practise culture, and encourage scientific research in the area.
  • It gives Ayurveda practitioners a place to communicate their new practises, establishing an evidence-based culture.
  • It also encourages scientific study to confirm pragmatic Ayurvedic practises.

Important functions

  • In collaboration with the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM), CCRAS will document and disseminate reported medical practises and treatment regimens for educational and scholarly reasons.
  • AGNI is a forum for Ayurvedic practitioners to share their novel practises and experiences in the treatment of diverse medical situations.
  • The project promotes an evidence-based practise culture among Ayurvedic practitioners, ensuring that their approaches are founded on scientific research.
  • Through applications, AGNI hopes to locate interested Ayurveda practitioners who are prepared to help in the creation of a complete database.
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