Science & Tech

The Usefulness of Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA) in Disease Research

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is increasingly being used by researchers throughout the world to better understand human diseases, improve diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis.

What exactly is cell-free DNA?

  • CfDNA refers to tiny nucleic acid fragments that are released from cells and found in bodily fluids.
  • It was originally discovered in the blood of pregnant women in the late 1940s.
  • Cells can create and release cfDNA in a variety of scenarios, including cell death and other physiological processes.
  • The release of cfDNA has been linked to a variety of disease processes, including autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus.

How is it different from normal DNA?

Cell-free DNANormal DNA
Found in the bloodstream and other bodily fluidsFound within the cell nucleus or mitochondria
Released from dying or dead cells into the circulationRemains within the cell’s nucleus or mitochondria
Exists in a fragmented formExists as an intact double-stranded helix
Can be isolated and analyzed from blood samplesRequires cell extraction and purification for analysis
Provides valuable genetic information for personalized medicineForms the basis of genetic inheritance and traits
Valuable in infectious disease diagnosis and monitoringNot used for infectious disease diagnosis
Used in forensics for DNA profiling and crime investigationsNot typically used in forensics

Applications of CfDNA

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)Identify genetic anomalies in foetuses Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome screening
Cancer Screening and MonitoringRecognise genetic alterations in tumour cells Determine the type of cancer Keep track of how the treatment is working and how the condition is progressing.
Transplant Rejection MonitoringAssess the immunological response following organ transplantation. Organ rejection can be detected early.
Infectious Disease DiagnosisDetermine the presence of viruses and bacteria in the bloodstream. Aid in the diagnosis of illnesses and the direction of treatment
Personalized MedicineProvide genetic information to enable personalised treatment plans. Allow for precise medicine based on an individual’s genetic profile.
Tracking Tumour MutationsDrug-resistant mutations in cancer patients should be monitored for therapy changes.

Recent Therapeutic Advances GEMINI Test:

  • Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Centre researchers created a novel test called ‘GEMINI’ that employs cfDNA for early cancer detection. They obtained over 90% accuracy in diagnosing lung cancer, even in early-stage instances, by analysing genetic changes and applying machine learning.
  • Potential Impact: Using cfDNA to diagnose cancer early could greatly improve patient outcomes and survival rates.

WorldCoin: Building a Global Digital Network with Biometric Identity

  • OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently reintroduced Worldcoin, a project that was previously overshadowed by the popularity of ChatGPT.

What is WorldCoin?

  • The Worldcoin venture involves a unique model where individuals have their eyes scanned to establish their human uniqueness.
  • In return for the eye scan, participants receive cryptocurrency and a World ID, forming the basis of the project.
  • Worldcoin’s aim is to create the “world’s largest identity and financial public network,” accessible to people globally.

How does it works?

  • Orb Operators: Worldcoin relies on volunteers known as “Orb operators” who use a “Orb” gadget to scan people’s iris patterns and collect biometric data.
  • After having their irises scanned, participants are given a World ID via the World app. They can use this unique ID to claim Worldcoin cryptocurrency and execute transactions.
  • Scanning irises ensures that people cannot sign up several times in order to obtain more bitcoin incentives.
  • WLD can be collected at regular intervals or used for transactions in the same way that a typical digital currency can.

Compliance and WLD Cryptocurrency

  • WLD Token: WLD is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency that can be purchased, sold, or traded on major exchanges.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Worldcoin adheres to Europe’s GDPR and employs zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) to protect user privacy. User data is encrypted and never sold, though it may be shared with third parties as necessary.

Various dangers

  • Price Volatility: WLD’s price fluctuates, like it does with most cryptocurrencies. Its value can fluctuate, and users should exercise caution when investing in lesser-known digital currencies.
  • Users must be cautious of any frauds or hacks related to bitcoin investments.

Criticism and Controversies

  • Privacy worries: The usage of biometrics for verification raised privacy worries for Worldcoin.
  • Scanning in Emerging Economies: According to reports, Worldcoin scanned the irises of disadvantaged people in emerging economies during the COVID-19 pandemic, raising ethical concerns regarding informed permission and scan rewards.

Worldcoin is available in India

Orb Operators in India: Worldcoin has placed Orb operators in several cities, including Delhi, Noida, and Bangalore, where people’s irises are scanned to join the network.


  • The Worldcoin idea of a global digital network with biometric identity and financial incentives is both intriguing and divisive.
  • While it strives to promote financial inclusion and create digital opportunities, it must address privacy and ethical problems in order to acquire wider acceptance and trust among users around the world.
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