International Relations

The Centre has approved the fourth phase of the GIAN Scheme’s implementation

The Ministry of Education is getting ready to relaunch the fourth phase of the Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) project.

  • The Ministry of Education is getting ready to relaunch the fourth phase of the Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) project.

GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks)

  • The GIAN was established in 2015.
  • It is a Ministry of Education initiative.
  • IIT Kharagpur serves as the Coordinating Body.
  • The goal of this project is to use the experience of foreign scientists and entrepreneurs by encouraging their collaboration with Indian higher education institutions.
  • This project intends to increase academic resources in India, accelerate quality improvements, and boost India’s scientific and technology standards to a globally competitive level.

GIAN’s Key Components

  • Foreign specialists are compensated for their travel and other expenses.
  • These overseas experts/faculty teach short-term courses at Indian educational institutes.
  • The program’s initial goal was to encourage India-US partnerships, but it gradually broadened its scope.
  • The length of each course varies, ranging from one week to three weeks.
  • Foreign specialists can be paid up to US$ 8000 ( 7 lakh) for 12 to 14 hours of teaching and up to US$ 12000 ( 12 lakh) for 20 to 28 hours, including travel and honoraria.
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