International Relations

Pacific Island Countries (PICs): Development Diplomacy in India

The visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Papua New Guinea (PNG) is strategically significant since it coincides with the Third Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC), which India is co-hosting with PNG in Port Moresby. India’s presence in the region is critical from a geostrategic standpoint, as the US sees it as a way to oppose China in the Indo-Pacific. In this backdrop, India is steadily orienting itself towards Pacific Island Countries (PICs) through establishing key development relationships.

Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC)

  • The Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) is a multinational organisation whose goal is to strengthen India’s ties with the Pacific Islands region. It was unveiled in November 2014, during the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Fiji.
  • Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu comprise the FIPIC.
  • The event provides an opportunity for India to interact with Pacific Island countries on a variety of subjects, including climate change, renewable energy, disaster management, health, and education.
  • The conference also allows India to bolster its strategic footprint in the Indo-Pacific region and counter China’s growing influence there.

Why should India pay attention to Pacific Island Countries (PICs)?

  • The PICs are strategically placed in the South Pacific and home to nearly one-sixth of the world’s population. These islands have shared spheres of influence and interest for major nations such as the United States, France, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom (UK).
  • Natural mineral and hydrocarbon resources: The PICs are naturally resource-rich in natural minerals and hydrocarbons. They are well-known for their vast biodiversity, diversified marine life, and enormous mangroves.
  • Countering China: China’s entry into the region in the form of resource extraction, increased naval presence in the South China Sea, and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) investments has alarmed the region. The US sees India’s engagement with Pacific nations as a strategy of countering China in the Indo-Pacific.
  • Diplomatic significance: India’s engagement with the PICs is crucial diplomatically since it has the potential to boost India’s influence in the Indo-Pacific region. India’s foreign policy considerations are increasingly centred on the concept of diplomacy for development. This India Way of Foreign Policy is perfectly suited to the rest of the Global South.
  • Partnerships for development: India may form partnerships with PICs on crucial topics such as climate resilience, digital health, renewable energy, and catastrophe risk reduction.
  • Economic opportunities: The PICs provide economic prospects for India, particularly in the areas of green transition and climate change, technology transfer, capacity building, trade and commerce promotion, and so on.

What exactly is Development Diplomacy?

  • Development diplomacy is a foreign policy approach that emphasises cooperation and engagement with other countries on development concerns in order to achieve common goals and promote mutual interests.
  • The emphasis is on developing connections with other countries based on shared values and goals, rather than traditional concepts of power and influence.
  • In an increasingly globalised world, development diplomacy recognises the interconnectedness of states and seeks to create win-win relationships that benefit all parties involved.

India’s significant development diplomacy activities in Papua New Guinea (PNG)

  • Line of Credit: India has provided Papua New Guinea a $100 million Line of Credit (LoC) for infrastructure development.
  • Climate resilience: India and PNG have collaborated on an initiative to improve climate-resilient agriculture. Indian experts are sharing their knowledge on climate-resilient agriculture practises and technology transfer as part of this project.
  • Healthcare: India has provided training for PNG healthcare personnel as well as medical equipment and supplies.
  • Education: India has provided scholarships for PNG students to study in India, as well as vocational training for PNG youngsters.
  • Renewable energy: India and PNG have collaborated to encourage the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.
  • Capacity building: India has provided training in areas such as public administration, governance, and disaster management to PNG government officials.
  • Commercial and commerce: India has attempted to improve commercial and investment relations with PNG, notably through promoting Indian enterprises and facilitating PNG investment in India.

@the end

India’s cooperation with Pacific Island Countries (PICs) is critical from a geostrategic standpoint, as the US sees it as a way to fight China in the Indo-Pacific. India’s distinct approach to development cooperation is ideally suited to the greater Global South, and it may provide a path forward for strengthening Southern-led partnerships in the PICs. The FIPIC can be considered as an appropriate chance for New Delhi to realign itself in the evolving world order, with the G20 Presidency giving India leverage as a significant economy in world affairs.

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