
How does fraternity differ in India from the concept enshrined in the Constitution?

  • The interplay of liberty, equality, and fraternity was regarded critical for a heterogeneous nation on the verge of freedom during India’s independence movement and subsequent development of a constitutional democracy.
  • This essay examines the historical origins of fraternity, its journey through various civilizations, and its significance in India’s sociopolitical landscape.

Recognising Fraternity

  • The concept of fraternity, which is frequently eclipsed by liberty and equality, is crucial in the sphere of politics.
  • In his book “Political Fraternity: Democracy Beyond Freedom & Democracy,” philosopher Angel Puyol argues that fraternity is essential to people’s emancipation and empowerment.

Origins of the Idea

  • Ancient Greece: The origins of fraternity can be traced back to ancient Greece, where thinkers such as Plato emphasised the value of individuals sharing knowledge and insight. This early discussion alluded to the concept of political fraternity.
  • Mediaeval Europe: In the Middle Ages, brotherhood was predominantly expressed through religion, particularly in the framework of Christian culture in Europe. It began to shift from a religious to a political concept.
  • The concept of brotherhood rose to prominence during the French Revolution of 1789, as represented by the revolutionary triptych of ‘liberte, egalite, fraternite.’ In this framework, fraternity became a basic value of civic-political friendship.

Friendship between Equals

  • Fraternity flourished amid community bonds, with a foundation built on core ideals. It emphasised the group above the individual, gradually giving way to religious morality and a ‘style of life.’
  • Individuals must have a harmonious history in order for brotherhood to flourish. This shared past should be friendly, free of ideological schisms founded in structural inequities across communities.

In the Context of India, Fraternity

  • A Distinctive Societal Landscape: Because of its history of societal hierarchies and caste barriers, India’s fraternal connections encounter unique problems. The caste system taints our shared history, impeding the ideas of equality and free.
  • To create brotherhood in India, it must be entrenched in politics, where caste privileges may be challenged. Separate from moral considerations, fraternity should be nurtured through political conditioning.

Constitutional Goal:

  • The Indian Constitution recognises the need of brotherhood in a society characterised by numerous hierarchical social inequities. It regards fraternity, along with liberty and equality, as a fundamental political goal.
  • Affirmative Actions: Affirmative action policies, such as the reservation system, seek to achieve equality in access to social and economic resources for distinct social groups.

Fraternity’s Limits

  • Ignoring inequities: If fraternity ignores socioeconomic inequities and fosters social cohesion based on hostility towards others, it loses its purpose. Such solidarity frequently maintains the existing quo and strengthens privilege at the expense of the marginalised.
  • Fraternity vs. Nationalism: Armed nationalism can supplant the call to fraternity, portraying religious minorities as enemies. In India, this has historically resulted in social and political discrimination against religious minorities.
  • The Impact of Fundamentalism: Fundamentalism, in whatever form, violates the essence of fraternity, as fanaticism is incompatible with true fraternity.

@the end

  • Given the current social context, coexistence of caste and political brotherhood in India poses obstacles. Addressing social inequities and caste divisions is critical for fostering political fraternity.
  • Because the two are frequently contradictory, the future of Indian politics will determine whether fraternity or caste consciousness prevails.
  • To achieve true political fraternity, these challenges must be navigated while prioritising the principles of equality, liberty, and solidarity across diverse social groupings.
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